We financially support the Barc Windom and I would encourage you to do the same! This blessed facility serves the Windom area in so many ways! The Windom Revival has been held at the BARC now for 2 years! The best thing about the BARC is the Director Greg Warner! He treats the BARC like his own! When I lived in Windom I was the custodian for the Auditorium, Library, 2nd and 3rd floors, my Dad was also! God has blessed me so much to come full circle to preach there now 2 years in a row. Greg is so awesome to us! God Bless the BARC and Greg! Merry Christmas!
Yesterday when I was talking with Greg he stressed to me that it is way more than him that keeps the BARC moving forward. The whole community coming together is the key to keep the BARC going strong. So many have come together in this effort! Greg is a very modest man, and I love him for that, that is what makes him such an AWESOME LEADER!
I want to mention Jack Kelly, hometown hero, former teacher and coach at the school! Jack has dedicated a huge part of his life to the BARC! So many man hours in working to make the BARC the beautiful facility it is!
My brother Dave stopped by the BARC this week to make a donation. I pray that you will do the same soon.
It takes a strong community like the Windom area, to maintain and grow the BARC!
I remember when there was talk about tearing down the school! I wrote more than one letter to the Editor of the Cottonwood County Citizen about that! I am so thankful that God moved the hearts of many and preserved this historical landmark in Windom! So much heritage that is still at work today! I remember Bob Lindaman, another former school teacher like Jack Kelly, being at the head of the effort to save the school!
Our prayers go out to all involved!
I miss my hometown greatly, I miss Christmas in Windom. Many are asking us to comeback next year for Windom Revival 2018!, we will see what the Lord says! Please pray with us!
In the meantime please listen to our radio ministry program……….
FGGAM is expanding our radio ministry! PTL! PTL! God is so very good to us! Listen in to the AWESOME NEWS!
We are so very excited in our LORD that the Windom Revival Radio program is now on KRRW Country 101.5 in St. James Sundays at 8:10am!!! PTL
I asked you all to pray for us earlier today, for the Lord’s Will to be done in this matter! Let us praise HIM for what HE has done! YES! We start this Sunday on KRRW this great FM radio station that has a great coverage area in southwestern Minnesota!
We wanted to inform you of a program change for the Windom Revival Radio program effective this Sunday.
KDOM Radio in Windom, Minnesota split their AM/FM programming this week. Our program will be on KDOM 1580AM at our regular time of 7:45am Sunday. Please make sure and tell your friends we are not on KDOM FM anymore, only KDOM AM, we are sad about the change, but we do understand their desire for separating the AM/FM. Having spent much of my life in radio management, I understand.
I want to remind you that we are also on KWOA AM730 and FM 100.3 FM out of Worthington. KWOA airs the Windom Revival Radio program at 5am on Saturdays and at 7am Sundays.
Just a reminder, please help us spread the word in the Windom area about the KDOM change.
Thank you for stopping by to read this our Christmas letter to you!
We so much love the work that the Lord has assigned us to do!!! We love you all and are so super blessed to serve!!!
Life Verse for Founding Pastor Dewey Moede:
“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24
5 years ago this past August, God pulled me out of my $80,000 job as manager of KIIM Christian Radio in Albuquerque to form FGGAM. Sharon did not bat an eye when I told her I had to quit and start preaching and oversee the ministry God had formed for us to look after. So we went from $80,000 to zero. We had Sharon’s nurses salary, more than that, I have a wife that has stronger faith than I do. Sharon has been with me all the way, selling off personal belongings for the first 2 1/2 years to help us stay afloat.
So you can see why I say Sharon is the backbone of the ministry. Sharon knows God is God and when God calls you out, even thou you may be nervous, He will provide!
We are surrounded by a group of faithful, loving people that send us love offerings each month now, and the Lord has built a strong foundation for us to go in service for Him!
Since 1986 I have been involved in one way of another with Christian radio/TV and then on Oct. 7, 2009 I became a Pastor.
I then became a circuit preacher in New Mexico. Spending most of my time in Catron County New Mexico in Reserve and Quamado.
This month I will be preaching in Albuquerque, Reserve and Magdalena.
FGGAM and friends just completed the Windom Revival. For 2 years in a row the Lord has sent us to Windom, my hometown. This year we also did a revival in Edgewood, NM.
I was blessed to have good visits with friends and my brother Dave, his wife Denise and my sister Deb in Windom.
I also was super blessed to preach in my home church, the American Lutheran Church in Windom the day after the revival. ALC is where my Christian foundation was started! I was baptized there, went to Sunday School and Church at ALC and the funerals of my Dad and Mom where there. What a gift from God and Pastor Sarah to be able to preach there! God certainly has brought me full circle.
As I just said, God has brought me full circle, the Revival in Windom is held at what is now called the BARC, it once was the High School, then the Middle School where I served as a custodian. Yes, the auditorium that the Revival was held in, is where I served as custodian from my sophomore year until 4 years after graduating. Get this, my Dad also served there as custodian before becoming Transportation Director for the School. FULL CIRCLE YES!
Windom Fire Chief Dan Ortmann also gave us a tour of the new Windom Emergency Services Building, which I still call the Fire Hall! LOL! Dan honored me with a Windom Fire Dept. hat and also two shirts in honor of my Dad and Grandpa who served on the Department for years!
We want to thank the Windom community for all their love!
As you can tell, Windom is a very special place to me, God keeps calling me back there to minister.
We are blessed to to the radio ministry program, “Windom Revival Radio” on KDOM in Windom, Minnesota and on KWOA in Worthington, Minnesota every Sunday.
I continue to have involvement with WFRN Christian radio in South Bend/Elhart, Indiana as a consultant. I took my first job in Christian radio in 1986 with WFRN, still owned by the Moore family, Ed and Jan Moore’s children now run the station, Charles, Rachelle and Doug.
It is wonderful for me to stay connected to this wonderful radio ministry.
At the end of November FGGAM.ORG website had received 529,140 visitors this year. We are on track to have reached 4 million people since we started FGGAM just over 5 years ago. PTL!
The top countries that visit FGGAM.ORG in order are: U.S., Turkey, Russia, Great Britain, Japan, Canada, Israel, France, Germany, Poland, China,India, Brazil, Ukraine, Philippines, Italy, Indonesia, Australia, South Africa, Malaysia, Pakistan, Chile, Ireland, and the Netherlands.
All stats are made available to us by AWSTATS.
The FGGAM website is a full-time position by itself!
My sermon podcasts are posted at FGGAM.
We have around 40 volunteer writers at FGGAM!
Dewey’s Daily CUP is into it’s 20th year! We still send out the Daily CUP by email and also the CUP has its own website. Deweysdailycup.com We thank the Lord for this ministry! The Lord founded this ministry 20 years ago to be a praying ministry and to also share stories of inspiration.
Please pray for Sharon and I as we go forth into 2018. We love you all in Jesus!
Thanks to all who support this ministry with their love offerings and prayers. We are so blessed by your love. We would like to give you all a Christmas hug!
As I write this Sharon is in Denver visiting our two grandchildren, Lilith and Quinn. Lilith is 3 and Quinn was just born in November! Both girls are doing great and so is grandma…she said she never has played so hard in her life! LOL!
I should add that Sharon is also visiting daughter Steph and her hubby Pat!!! LOL!!!!
I had to stay behind because of my preaching assignment.
Love in Jesus to you all!