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Create In Us…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day

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Create In Us…

Father, thank you for creating in us a pure heart and for renewing a steadfast spirit upon us today. God may the words of our mouths and the meditations of our heart  be pleasing in your sight (Psalm 19:14) we pray. Empower us today to be ambassadors for your Kingdom. May we represent you well as we journey the day. 

Father, whatever you can trust us with and with whomever you can trust us with today, may we be found faithful. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to work in your Kingdom. There is nothing we love more than journeying life with you. 

Thank you for highlighting areas in our hearts that need to be dealt with, so that we can be more like you here on the earth. Amen

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Enjoy your life and may your pure heart change lives everywhere you journey today.    


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