NM Legislature Report: HB 56 Parental Notification of an Abortion

From Jose Vasquez  NM Watchman
January 26, 2018
                                                     Better Call Alcon
Dear Friends,
Law in New Mexico comes by way of an elongated process sometimes taking years of persistent effort.  During the 30-Day Session, social issues take a back seat to financial concerns.  For a bill to be heard, first the Governor must “send a message,” allowing the bill to be heard.  Secondly, the Floor Leadership must assign the bill to a Committee.  Thirdly, the Committee Chair must schedule the bill for a hearing.
The only legislation we are following that is allowed by Governor Martinez is HB 56  Parental Notification of an Abortion.  The Speaker of the House, Rep. Brian Egolf, has assigned the bill to the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee, Rep. Eliseo Alcon, Chair.  Mr. Alcon has not scheduled the bill for a hearing.
(Mr. Alcon may be embarrassed by the fact the last year he purposely call a committee hearing on Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m., assuming most persons interested in the legislation would be in church.  A church service was held in the Rotunda of the Capitol and a record number of testimonies in support of the bill was heard.)
Hearing HB 56 Parental Notification of an Abortion should move forward this legislative session and should be heard by the committee.
Please call Mr. Alcon at his State Capitol office at (505) 986-4425 and ask him to schedule HB 56  Parental Notification of an Abortion for a hearing. 
Also, please pray for our New Mexico State Legislature, Mr. Alcon and the legislators that represent you.
New Mexico Watchman
Jose Vasquez
nmwatchman@comcast.net                      image

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