Pray With Us: Shooting Attack Kills Israeli Father of Six



Headlines from Jerusalem, 10 January 2018

“The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.’ So they shall invoke My name on the sons of Israel, and I then will bless them” Numbers 6:24-27

TOP STORY: Pray with us please…over this horrific tragedy…..

Shooting Attack Kills Israeli Father of Six

The IDF was on high alert in the West Bank Wednesday following a shooting attack on a car travelling down Route 60 the previous evening, which left an Israeli man dead. The victim, Rabbi Raziel Shevach, who volunteers for Magen David Adom and is the father of six children, was severely wounded in the drive-by shooting attack and later succumbed to his wounds.


Netanyahu Meets with NATO Ambassadors

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a meeting of ambassadors from NATO countries on Tuesday, telling them among other things that Israeli intelligence shared with their governments had broken up terror attacks in Europe and saved countless lives. He added that Israel also helps Europe by beating back the advance of terrorist organizations like the Islamic State (IS) terror militia as they attempt to establish bases of operations in North Africa, especially in the Egyptian Sinai.

Russia Accuses US of Supporting Attacks on it in Syria

Russia has accused the US of being behind a recent attack on one of its military bases in Syria by an Islamist terror group which caused extensive damage to the facility. A Pentagon spokesperson flatly denied the allegations. Meanwhile, a Kremlin statement said the base near the port city of Tartus would be permanently garrisoned by Russian forces. In related news, the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad accused Israel of carrying out strikes on its territory this week.

Chief Rabbi Cancels Meetings Over Dispute with Legal Advisor

Israel’s Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau announced this week that he is suspending all meetings of the Council of the Chief Rabbinate following what he described as unacceptable interference from the 15-member body’s legal advisor. “Unfortunately, the legal adviser permits himself to act as a superior authority to the council and, unfortunately, to make it and its decisions superfluous,” Lau explained.

Israel Blesses the World

Israel has dispatched a team of medical specialists to Zambia to assist that country as it grapples with a severe outbreak of Cholera.” This team comprises water Engineers and Epidemiologists,” a Zambian government spokesman told journalists on Tuesday. “They have held briefings and gone on the ground to conduct tests and gather information about the epidemic.”


The Message Behind Israeli Action in Syria
Herb Keinon, Jerusalem Post

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told NATO-country ambassadors he met in Jerusalem on Tuesday that Israel is “absolutely committed” to preventing Iran from establishing a military base in Syria. Coming just hours after Syria accused Israel of three early morning strikes against a military installation northeast of Damascus, his comments carried additional weight.


ICEJ Blessing Israel

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Today’s news was written and compiled by Aaron Hecht.

ICEJ News is a free email service providing news and comments on Middle East affairs compiled by journalists at the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and supported by donations from subscribers.

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