Drought and Record High Temperatures in New Mexico


Record high temperatures for winter are making their way to New Mexico. The National Weather Service said Clayton, New Mexico, reached 78 degrees on Tuesday. That’s a record high for the northeastern New Mexico community in winter. Much of New Mexico has seen temperatures above normal in recent days. Even  Arizona is  heating up to near-record marks. Phoenix’s high Monday was 83 degrees, tied  the record for the date set in 1935.

Albuquerque’s high today will be 65 degrees.

Here is a post from Pastor Dewey from Jan. 28th, 2018……….


It is dry as a bone here in New Mexico. After some encouraging moisture in 2017, we have gone backwards.

Please make sure your trees and bushes are getting water at least once a month. That comes from Marcus at the LawnRangers in Albuquerque.

More than 93 percent of New Mexico is experiencing drought conditions, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s drought monitor map, released Thursday.

ABQ Journal Report

Lord, we pray for your rains and snow to come to New Mexico. Lord we need moisture badly. We need your refreshing rains. We need your pure snow. Thank YOU LORD for hearing our prayers, in JESUS name, AMEN!

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