Jennifer Anderson: How God Saved My Life


I asked Jennifer Anderson of Windom, Minnesota to give her testimony at the Windom Peacemakers Revival 2017. Jennifer’s story has touched the hearts of many, and we are blessed to share it with you. It is a story of restoration, the grace of God and the miracles of God. PTL!!! 

Good Evening!  Thank you Dewey for asking me to be a part of this Revival.  Thank you for this opportunity to share my Testimony about how God saved my life, my marriage and my family.


On April 24th, 2012 I was arrested for drugs and later sentenced to 86 months in prison, however, my story begins long before this.  I was born in January 1976 in Winona, MN.  In 1977 I was adopted by my parents and come to live in Windom.  I grew up in a happy home, filled with love and laughter.  A home where hard work and honesty were taught and the value of family was the core.  My parents had me Baptized in to the Family of Christ, made sure I attended Sunday school and years later, after receiving my religious instruction, I was confirmed.


Academically, I excelled.  I loved school, and it came easy for me.  I was an honor graduate and even gave the commencement speech at our Graduation Ceremony.  I was destined for success.  With big dreams and a tank full of gas, I headed off to college ready to make my mark on the world!


College was great; the new found freedom that came with it was even better.  It wasn’t long before I found myself experimenting with alcohol and soon after, my social life became more important than my academics.  I loved partying.  I love the euphoric feeling I felt when that liquor touched my lips.  I loved how it made me feel invincible.  After a few drinks, this small town farm girl could do anything.   I was smart, I was sassy, I was happy, I felt like I was on top of the world!


As my drinking continued, my desire to further my education lessened.  At the end of my second year, I decided not to return to college and eventually moved back to Windom.

Soon after, I met my husband and he liked to drink as much as I did!  We were a match made in Heaven and were united in marriage May 20th 2000.  In December of that same year our daughter Kennedy was born and 11 months later we welcomed our first son.


Life was good, but my dependence on alcohol continued to grow.  Soon I found myself experimenting with other drugs and my addiction began taking away my joy.  I know longer went to church, was spending more and more time away from home and my marriage was falling apart.  My husband and I separated and maintained an on again off again relationship for many years.

In 2008, we were blessed with our youngest son Jace.  Despite some time in Recovery, it wasn’t long before I found myself back in the darkness of my addiction.



On the day I was arrested, I believed my life was over.  I was so full of shame, embarrassment, guilt and resentment that I couldn’t see past my current situation.  I believed I was worthless.  That my children were better off without me.  That I was a bad a person who deserved to be locked up.  I wanted to die.  I prayed for death.


Four months later, I left for Shakopee Women’s Prison.  I had never in my life felt more alone and afraid.  The darkness consumed me.




Four months later, I heard the words that changed my life.  You see, I had heard these words my whole life, but God knew unless he removed me from all the distractions, I would never truly hear them.  On August 19th 2013 I heard the truth I had been longing to hear for years.  JESUS DIED FOR YOU!  As those words sunk in, they touched my soul.  Someone loved me so much that they died for me.  Jesus hung on that cross for me.  For me-a meth addict locked away in prison.  For me-a threat to society.  For me-an unfit mother who had lost custody of her children.  For me.  Because that’s how much he loved me.


I soon learned that that November 24th, 2012 was not the end of my life, but the beginning of a new life.  A new life God had given me.


A few months later, I was accepted into and early release program, through hard work, determination, and the Grace of God I was released from prison on May 12th 2014 and was reunited with my family.  Including my husband who had also found recovery during this time.  A year later,  my husband and I renewed our marriage vows, and together with our children renewed our family commitment.


Today, three years later our relationship with each other continues to grow.  We have all accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior and know we will spend eternity with him.  I have a deep, personal relation with Christ who continues to shape and mold me.  I am grateful for all that I have learned and continue to learn.


Most importantly, I have learned that no matter what, Jesus loves me!  I am the chosen Daughter of the King.  He will never leave me.  God doesn’t promise this life to be easy, but he does promise to always be us.  The storms will come.  Whatever you do, don’t jump out of the boat!  From Psalms, Be Still and Know I am God.

I am a work in progress.  We are all works in progress.  God continues to shape and mold us as our relationship with him continues to grow and strengthen.  A relationship that is based on Faith and Blessed by Grace.


In closing, I would like to share with you a few versed form Ephesians.  Ephesians 5:8-9


For one you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord.  So live as people of the Light!  For this light within you produces only what is Good and Right and True.


Let your Light Shine!  We belong to the King, the one True God who loves you no matter what!


God Bless you Jennifer for sharing your miracle with us!

I want to share this with you: Several people have asked where they can get a recording of Pat Fisher’s music. The good news is the last two years Buckwheat Johnson of BJ Video Productions has recorded the Windom Revival, where Pat has played the piano, and it’s all on video! If you would like to order the video , send a check for $25.00 to BJ Video Productions PO Box 103 Windom, Minn 56101 or call 800-558-2023. If you would like to order both the 2016 and 2017 Revival DVD, the cost is $50.00. None of the proceeds go to FGGAM, all go directly to Buckwheat, as he has at no cost recorded the Windom Revival the last two years.

God Bless the memory of Pat Fisher.

Please keep praying for Dr. Mike Fisher and Dr. Michael Fisher and all the extended family and friends. We love Mike and Michael so very much!

By the way the testimony of Jennifer is on this DVD, all speakers and music from the Revival, including the Gene Duerksen family, are on this wonderfully produced DVD. The 2016 Windom Revival has Shari Johnson, Franz Boelter, Paul Dokken, Bobby Elness, Rodney Byam sharing their God stories! We honored Jack Kelly in 2016, and that is all on the DVD.

Both DVD’s are DYNAMITE for our LORD!

God Bless you Buckwheat Johnson for all you do!

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