It is not by accident that you have come here today!
Will you take your time to read and consider what God has been wanting to say to you in a way that you can hear His Voice and come to know and believe: What is it about the Blood of Jesus? To be Spiritually Born-Again, God will give you a new definition of life; and understanding of what it is to truly live with God, as your Father and Friend! Mercy and Grace will have new meaning when you come to understand that the life is in the blood! Friend, if you have never accepted Christ Jesus as your Savior and Lord, will you make that commitment to God today? And, we encourage you to let us know, so that we can be of a support to you as you begin to grow in your faith & in your new life with the Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We hope to be an encouragement & strength to you as you discover & grow in your relationship with God! Don’t let Satan beat you down. Tell him, you are covered in the Blood of Christ, because you have believed! But, yes, 1st we must be Born-Again! And, The Good News is that God has SO loved you; that He gave Jesus for you! Yes, God loved & still loves Jesus too, SO MUCH SO; and JESUS is not in that grave! 3 days later, Jesus was Resurrected from the dead to life forever MORE! We hope this helps you discover and grow deeper in your understanding of the love God has for you. We also hope to help you discover what it is to abide in the love of Christ! If you get this, you will never be the same!
Love, Karen
Hope in Today Ministries, Daily Devotion to God’s Word!
God covered us with His blood!
Good day to you dear readers! Do you ever feel guilty? Well, guilt is good and bad. If guilt is convicting you to change a habit that is negative in your life to a positive in Christ, then Praise God, for HE loves you enough to clothe you with His blood!
In the Garden, after the 1st sin that man did against God, Adam and Eve were ashamed and hid from God. BUT GOD clothed them & gave them a first sign that Hope would come into the world to rescue mankind from the penalty of death, free us by grace & for all things to be made new!
What a loving God that loosing us hurt HIM SO, He paid a HIGH price for our wages!
This is why we must learn about God’s love for us! In the adversities of this life that many troubles do come to us, friends, IN CHRIST there is NOW no reason to suffer because of sin! Yes, even in Christ, troubles come and pain is still real, but in Christ, there is a HOPE and a COMFORT like no other from God to get through!
On one side of the fence, there is death & curses (consequences of sin); BUT on the other side of the fence is JESUS! Freedom in Christ to live with PEACE!
How is this possible? By really believing in the power of the NEW clothes God has given us! He covered us with His blood!
Friends, if we get this we will never be the same!
Why pace in condemnation, where guilt and fear tornment and steal your body, spirit and soul from your gift to live freely spiritually balanced in this life and have LIFE with God eternally! ?
You answer for you. But I will tell, this life I live thru Christ who strengthens us; Jesus made a DIFFERENT WAY OF THINKING! We just have to seek God’s thoughts about how HE feels about us!
Pretty simple there, Read the Bible and DISCOVER whom God is! If your heart condemns you, ask God to cover you & invite Jesus in your heart by telling God you believe.
If you get this, you will never be the same! Adversity will come to you, but God allows these things to demonstrate HIS power! The power God reveals to us strengthens our faith to grow in our faith.
God is LIFE and LIFE gives LIFE!
LIFE is connected to LIFE!
And the Life is in the Blood of Jesus!
Are you connected to God?
You can be! The only question is, how much do you love GOD? If you don’t know how to answer that question, spend more time with Him! Believe in God’s Testimony about His Son, The Holy Spirit will help you! Will you seek to know more about these things God knows all?
God loves you; and God loves all He has made!
Happy Easter! He’s Alive!
Do you have questions, email us ! We would love to talk to you about God’s love for you!
Till next time! “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”
The address in the Bible is found in 2 Corinthians 1:2, and this is the NIV today.
The Train Whistle, Sounding the call of God’s Love, by Karen Rowe [2012 Published for you]
Instagram4629 “Writing the Story of my life with every choice Jesus helps me to make and learning how to be blessed and live life large, happy and free. I care.”
Personal Motto: “I don’t have it all figured out, BUT GOD DOES … Follow JESUS!”
Thank you Jesus! Personal Revelation Life Verse: 1 John 4:16
16 And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him.
This version Today is (HCSB)
Holy Spirit you are welcome here!
Blessings, Karen