Pilate Knew What Was Right—But Failed to Do it

Billy Graham Tribune Content Agency

Pilate knew what was right — but failed to do it

Mar 22, 2018

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

The name of Pontius Pilate will be forever linked to the death of Jesus Christ, for it was he, as the Roman governor of the Jewish province of Judea, who gave the final order condemning Jesus to death by crucifixion.

But the name of Pontius Pilate will also stand forever as a prime example of someone who knew what was right — but failed to do it. Repeatedly, he told the mob clamoring for Jesus’ death that Jesus was innocent of the charges brought against Him, and that he found no basis for condemning him. Even Pilate’s wife told him, “Don’t have anything to do with that innocent man” (Matthew 27:19).

In the end, however, Pilate caved in to the pressures of the crowd and ordered Jesus’ death. Publicly he washed his hands and told the crowd that they alone were responsible for Jesus’ execution — but in reality, Pilate’s cowardice sent Jesus to the cross. Pilate knew what was right and true — but instead he gave in to what was wrong and false.

We will never know what went on in Pilate’s mind and heart afterward; did he feel regret, or remorse, or guilt — or did he perhaps defend his decision and try to suppress his doubts? But no matter how much he might have tried to justify his actions, he still committed history’s greatest wrong.

How often do you cave in to the pressures of the crowd, seeking the approval of others instead of the approval of God — even when you know they are wrong? We all like to be liked — but that can be a very dangerous thing. Instead, make it your goal to live for Christ and to be faithful to Him, regardless of what the crowd demands.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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