White Elephants, Crime, Stolen Cars and License Plates


May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope, LORD, is in you. Psalm 25:21

The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them. Proverbs 11:3

I have written so much in the last few years about the crime epidemic in Albuquerque, it depresses me. It makes me so very sad. I see the city deteriorating right before my eyes. The Mayor’s race was based on the severe crime in the city, a growing murder rate….and other violent crimes. Then Mayor Keller finds out he was left with a $40 million budget deficit by the previous administration and a “white elephant” (ART, or Albuquerque Rapid Transit)

There is no money to hire the additional police officers they city needs. Now a tax is being added to help the police department.  I beleive their needs to be an investigation into the incompetence of the previous administration. Tax payers have every right to ask, “What Happened to all the money?”

Why did the previous Mayor and City Council feel it was a great idea to buy a “white elephant”?

white el·e·phant
ˌ(h)wīd ˈeləfənt/
plural noun: white elephants
  1. a possession that is useless or troublesome, especially one that is expensive to maintain or difficult to dispose of.

They put the “white elephant” before hiring more police officers! They put the elephant before public safety!

For heavens sakes! The buses don’t even work for ART! But us taxpayers sure got a ride on the “white elephant”!!

At this point “white elephants” are more rapid than ART, Albuquerque Rapid Transit buses.

It is not nice to mislead the public. Telling us the Federal funding is going to pray a huge part, and then Mayor Keller finds out that the Fed’s never promised the previous administration that this would happen!

I wanted to share with you this article in the Albuquerque Journal, an excellent write up on car theft in the city, how it is driving the crime rate. We have a friend here in Albuquerque who has had her car stolen 3 times in 2 years.

Also license plates are being stolen off cars now in the city. Make sure you have a picture of your license plate on file. Also when these thieves steal plates they sometimes then, put on a stolen car plate. BEWARE!

ABQ Journal Report

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