A Day of Remembrance in the Moede Family


A Day of Remembrance in the Moede family…very sad day for us 26 years ago in the passing of our Dad, Wally Moede. A huge part of Mom died that day also, Dad and Mom were like glue, they stuck together! Mom passed away in Jan. of 1995. It all still hurts to this day losing them both at age 64. My heroes, we will see them again in heaven! Amen!  My sister Deb ‘Moede’ Rogers posted this: 26 years ago today was a beautiful Easter Morning… we had just seen you on Friday night to celebrate Danielle’s 6th Birthday…I remember how you were walking the floor with Emily because she was fussy she was only 5 months old… Megan was only 4… you loved all your grandchildren so much and they loved you..the phone call that Easter morning that the good Lord needed you at the young age of 64…was devastating… we miss you and you are in my thoughts and heart every day

Pictures below from left to right, Mom and Dad’s grave site in Windom, Minnesota our home town, Dad and I when he served so faithfully on the Windom Fire Dept. for many, many years as did his Dad, Chris. Dad and a little boy getting off the bus, he was Transportation Director for many years, Dad was a Sgt. in the Marines in WW II, Dad and Mom holding our son Lars! 

Dad and Mom were very active in the American Lutheran Church in Windom for many years.

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