Iran Threatens Israel as Nuclear Accord in Question



Headlines from Jerusalem, 26 April 2018

“Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them” Hebrews 7:25


Iran Threatens Israel as Nuclear Accord in Question

Reports emerged Wednesday that Iran has increased shipments of weapons and ammunition to Syria in yet another sign that the Islamic Republic is preparing for an offensive against Israel. Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman was in Washington this week for meetings with senior officials, even as other senior US military and defense officials visited Israel. French President Emmanuel Macron was also in Washington this week, telling reporters on Wednesday that he believes US President Donald Trump will withdraw from the JCPOA Nuclear deal with Iran in the near future.


Palestinian Officials Losing Jordanian Citizenship

London-based Arabic language newspaper Raialyoum reported Wednesday that Jordan is preparing to revoke the citizenship of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, along with 30 other PA officials and their families. The action will reportedly make it much more difficult for the officials to travel and conduct various other activities.

Hananya Naftali Hired by PMO

Hananya Naftali, an Israeli Believer and IDF veteran who used his private youtube channel to become an online advocate for Israel has been hired by the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to serve as the new deputy social media adviser. Netanyahu’s social media adviser Topaz Luk declared that he he “hired a superstar” and described Naftali as “a full Jew on both sides, who respects Christians who love Israel and do so much to strengthen Israel.”

Unseasonal Storm Kills Two

A highly unusual late-spring storm hit Israel Wednesday afternoon, bringing strong winds, heavy rains, hail, thunder and lightning to several areas, including Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and the Negev desert in the south. Two people, an Israeli and a Palestinian, were reportedly killed in storm-related accidents with several others injured. Dozens of buildings around the country were also damaged by the storm.

Kippa March in Germany to Protest Anti-Semitism

More than 2,000 people showed up for a solidarity march against Anti-Semitism in Berlin on Wednesday, with smaller marches also held in Cologne, Erfurt, Magdeburg and Potsdam. The marchers  wore kippas to protest the fear many German Jews feel while wearing them in public. That danger was highlighted last week when a refugee from Syria assaulted an Israeli-Arab who was wearing a kippa as he walked the streets of Berlin in order to determine the truth to reports he’d heard that such activity was dangerous.


Iranian Moves in Syria Threaten Israel
Yossi Kuperwasser, JCPA

What the Iranians are trying to do is to turn Syria into a base from which they can threaten Israel in a much easier way than they can from far away in Iran. Even if they are trying to have nuclear weapons, they know it’s going to take time. Meanwhile, they have to build their capabilities, and they are trying to bring in elements to make it possible for them to threaten Israel.


Analysis: Iran’s Plunging Currency

A nationwide dollar-buying panic is in full swing, spurred by the plunging value of the Iranian rial, a sluggish economy, and fears that the United States will reimpose crippling sanctions on the Islamic republic.


ICEJ Aid Report-Sailing Away

“The Boat is Sailing” is a unique programme that helps people with PTSD by using sailing as a rehabilitative and therapeutic tool. A research study conducted by the Ministry of Defence in 2009 showed that this programme rehabilitates individuals with PTSD much better than any other traditional treatment.
Today’s news was written and compiled by Aaron Hecht.

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