Is He Your Best Friend? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


Is He Your Best Friend?


Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Life sure is busy, even in Northern Maine. Every moment of every day that passes by we cannot get that time back. So determine today that you will enjoy your life. Set your mind on things that have eternal value and not temporary pleasures. Live every moment the very best and stay in constant communication with God. Be filled with His Holy Spirit and thank Him for leading us today. Thank Him for journeying life with us and ask Him to help us see His hand working on our behalf and the lives of others around us today. Once you ask, keep your eyes and ears open, for He answers prayer. Be sensitive to impressions you may have in your mind, heart or both. Maybe that person you keep accidentally running into, could it be for a reason? Let’s be vessels that God could use each and every day. Join His army today. He will empower you to do exploits, yes you!

No one is a mistake here on planet earth. Everyone has something to offer this world, something good. What will your contribution be today? Let’s step out once again and move beyond our comfort zones and together let’s leave our mark on the world today. Some days the world seems dark and cold, but because you have walked in with the light in your heart, it changes things. Atmospheres change everywhere God’s people goes.

Today, let’s make life better for someone else, let’s leave our mark on the day. You will soon discover your life has improved as well. You were born with purpose. It’s the most amazing journey walking and talking everyday to the person that created us. When you look at people today, see them through the eyes of Jesus. Let’s pray:

Father, this is the day you have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. We want to live extraordinary lives, not just focusing on everyday tasks. We were created for destiny and purpose.

Father, lead us today, order our footsteps. Let the world be a better place because we have made our contribution. We want to leave our mark on this day.

Jesus you gave your only son that we may have life and have life more abundantly. We want to give out of the abundance of our hearts today. Help us to be sensitive to everything and everyone around us.

We pray for the needs of all the people on the earth today. You see them all and know them. We join our faith together God and we offer ourselves as vessels for you to flow through. Empower us and may our hearts be sensitive to your heart, we pray. As we journey life with you, may you trust us with much. You pour in our lives God, we pour out. Fill us to overflowing once again this morning with the power of your Holy Spirit we pray.

We join our faith together for folks that don’t know you. Draw them God we pray. Jesus lover of mans soul, thank you for pouring out your spirit on our land. A wonderful loving Father that’s what you are. Today, thank you for letting the world know your love once again that cost you everything and us nothing. Freely we received it, freely help us to give it away. Not only in words oh God, but also in action. To you be all the glory. Amen

Have an amazing and blessed day beautiful people. Enjoy it, you will never get it back again. Smile, laugh and believe in the plan God has for your life. Talk (pray) with Him as many times as you need or desire to today. Let Him be your best friend.

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