New Mexico Pastors Gather at the Ballpark


We have two wonderful reports on the movement of God in New Mexico! Our first one is from Mercy Alarid on what took place at Isotopes Park yesterday in Albuquerque and then Pastor Brian Alarid reports on two huge events you need to know about! Sharon and I are very thankful for Pastor Brian and Mercy Alarid, two leaders who shine the light of JESUS so brightly over New Mexico and the World! We love you Brian and Mercy!

Here is Mercy’s report:

What the Lord is doing to unite pastors and believers in New Mexico is a miracle to all of us who have dreamed and prayed about the days we are living now. 170 pastors gathered today at Isotopes Park to pray for each other and the cities we love. Thank you Calvary Church for hosting us and the great lunch you provided.

This Spring and Summer, the Church in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho gets to join forces at National Day of Prayer on May 3, Convoy of Hope on June 23, Freedom Celebration on June 29-30, and Saturate Albuquerque in September.

Psalm 133 tells us that blessing follows unity. Who’s getting excited?? Lord bless the state that we love!

From Pastor Brian Alarid:


I also want to invite you and your church to join with thousands of believers at Albuquerque Civic Plaza on Thursday, May 3 for National Day of Prayer. Worship starts at 11:30 am and prayer service from 12 to 1 pm.

Let’s unite in prayer and put Jeremiah 29:7 into practice: “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”

Albuquerque National Day of Prayer
We would be also honored to partner with you and your church to bless the community of Albuquerque with $1 million worth of goods and services on June 23, 2018 at the Albuquerque Convention Center.
We will be giving away 80,000 pounds of groceries and many other goods and services. Let’s serve our city and demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ like we have never done before. We are expecting 8,000-10,000 guests and volunteers. Will you join with us to minister hope to our city?
Convoy of Hope Albuquerque 
Saturday 10 am, June 23
Albuquerque Convention Center

401 2nd Street NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102

Convoy of Hope Community Event is a united act of compassion that helps families in desperate need. Local churches, businesses, community service and health organizations partner with us to provide guests with groceries, medical and dental screenings, prayer, haircuts, lunch, veteran services, music, a kids’ carnival, children’s shoes, job and career services, community services, family portraits and more — at no charge to guests. Approximately $1,000,000 worth of goods and services are provided to thousands of people who attend each event.
Here are several ways you and your church can participate:
1. Pray: Pray personally and corporately that thousands of people will come to the outreach on June 23. Pray that this outreach will demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ in very tangible ways to families and individuals in need.
2. Volunteer: We need 1,500-2,000 volunteers for this event. Click on this link to register as a volunteer:
3. Spread the word: Help us spread the word through social media, texts, phone calls, emails and in person. Invite families and individuals that you know will be blessed by this event.
4. Give: We need to raise $76,000 locally to pay for this event. That is a small investment that will enable us to bless our community with $1 million worth of goods and services.

Convoy of Hope Albuquerque

5331 Montano Rd NW

Albuquerque, NM 87120


Office: 505-226-2451

All donations are tax-exempt.

Make checks payable to Convoy of Hope Albuquerque.

You can also give through text message. Just text the word “hope” to 505-336-5022.

In Christ’s service,

Pastor Brian Alarid
President, America Prays
Lead Pastor, Passion Church
Mobile: 505-934-7646

“These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer.” —Acts 1:14

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