Will God Forgive a Murderer?

Billy Graham Tribune Content Agency

Will God forgive a murderer?

Apr 17, 2018

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I’m in prison because I got angry and killed someone, and now I’m haunted by guilt. Someone once told me that Jesus forgave a murderer, but when I challenged him to prove it, he couldn’t find it in the Bible. I wish I could believe God will forgive me, but I can’t. — M.M.

A: What you did was serious; in fact, almost nothing is more serious in the eyes of God (and of society) than deliberately taking an innocent person’s life. One of the Ten Commandments states it clearly: “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13).

But listen: There is only one sin that God cannot forgive — and that is the sin of refusing His forgiveness. Yes, you have committed a great sin — but you would be committing an even greater sin if you rejected God’s forgiveness. And that’s what He offers you! You may hate what you’ve done; you may even hate yourself for doing it. But God still loves you, and He yearns for you to come to Him and be with Him in Heaven forever.

How do I know this? One reason is because this person was right: Jesus Christ did forgive a murderer. The murderer was Saul of Tarsus — who later became the Apostle Paul, the greatest Christian who ever lived! At one time Saul hated Christians, and was responsible for sending some of them to their death. He wrote, “I persecuted the followers of this Way to their death” (Acts 22:4).

But God forgave him and changed his life — and the same can happen to you. Don’t carry your burden of guilt any longer, but by faith turn to Jesus Christ and give your burden to Him. Then ask Him to come into your life and cleanse you of all your sins — and He will.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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