Buzzard Fire Smoke Moving Into Albuquerque, Fire Has Spread to Over 12,000 Acres



Smoke from the Buzzard Fire Catron County New Mexico is making its way to many parts of the state, including the Albuquerque metro area and the East Mountains.

The fire, initially sparked Tuesday for reasons still unknown, has swelled to over 12,000 acres in size. Nearly 500 personnel are working to contain the Gila National Forest blaze.

FGGAM received this report from the ABQ Quality Air Program yesterday. This morning you can see the smokey haze in Albuquerque. I took this picture looking into the Sandia Mountains from the west side today at 12:28pm. The Buzzard fire is located in Catron County New Mexico.

At 1:14pm I took the dogs for a run….you can smell the smoke now from the fire. Bad air day on the west side of ABQ. Cut our run short, the air irritated my lungs! Praying for the Firefighters in Catron County and good health for all.

The Buzzard Fire continues to burn a lot of acreage. The latest report shows 7600 acres have been consumed. Satellite imagery shows the center of today’s plume moving eastward through Socorro County. At the northern edge of the plume, Albuquerque may once again see smoke high in the atmosphere this evening.


As a low pressure system gets closer, afternoon winds will fan the flames of the Buzzard Fire Saturday. Although the plume is expected to move in a more northerly direction, the plume could move eastward into Albuquerque late Saturday. The low pressure system will disperse a great deal of the smoke, however Albuquerque may still see some haze late Saturday.


For Sunday, the plume may aim closer to Albuquerque. The low pressure system will becloser and will continue to disperse the smoke, however winds will continue to fan the flames also. In other words, some smoke and haze are possible again Sunday.


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1 Civic Plaza, Room 3023
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

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