Fallout Continues From Revelations About Iranian Nuclear Program




Headlines from Jerusalem, 2 May 2018

“I rise before dawn and cry for help; I wait for Your words” Psalm 119:147


Fallout from Revelations About Iranian Nuclear Program

Fallout from the press conference Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave Monday evening in which he unveiled a treasure trove of intelligence on Iran’s renegade nuclear program continued to surge Wednesday, with Iranian officials reacting with what some commentators described as “hysteria” and some European leaders reluctantly beginning to acknowledge the significance of the revelations. In an interview aired Tuesday evening on US network CNN, Netanyahu said Israel is not looking for a war with Iran, but rather “Iran is the one that’s changing the rules in the region.”


Abbas Condemned for Anti-Semitic Speech

A speech made by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas before the Palestinian National Council in Ramallah on Monday, in which he said that Jewish “social behavior related to interests and banks” had motivated various European populations to massacre them over the centuries, culminating in the Nazi Holocaust during WWII, drew sharp rebukes this week. US Ambassador to Israel David M. Friedman tweeted on Tuesday that Abbas “has reached a new low in attributing the cause of massacres of Jewish people over the years to their “social behavior relating to interest and banks.” To all those who think Israel is the reason that we don’t have peace, think again.”

BDS Movement Suffers Another Crushing Defeat

The international movement to Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) Israel suffered another crushing defeat this week when Chinese billionaire Jack Ma, the founder of online retailer Alibaba, touched down in the Jewish State at the head of a delegation of 35 executives from large Chinese companies. Ma and his colleagues have meetings scheduled with senior government officials, business leaders, investors and scientists from Israel’s booming hi-tech sector.

Israeli-US Air Defense System Test Delayed

Israel’s defense ministry announced on Tuesday that a test of the Arrow-3 intercontinental ballistic missile defense system scheduled to take place this week in the US State of Alaska is once again being postponed. A joint statement from Israeli and US officials said the delay was due to a need for further preparation and not due to technical problems with the system.


Manipulating the Truth about Gaza
Alan Baker, JCPA

It is quite amazing how certain commentators with a political ax to grind will write anything to justify their pre-determined political viewpoint and, at the same time, get their material published. Today, some call the broadcast of such canards “Fake News.”


Analysis of Iran’s Renegade Nuclear program

Overlaying a schematic included in the Israeli intelligence tranche from the AMAD archive on the Qom, now called Fordow, a deeply buried enrichment plant, we find that the schematic matches the entrances and expected layout. Iran was building this plant at a time when US intelligence agencies were stating that Iran’s nuclear weapons program had ended.


ICEJ Events and Speakers

The ICEJ is probably best known for annually hosting the Christian celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles – a multicultural event that draws thousands of pilgrims to Jerusalem for teaching, worship and prayer. In addition, ICEJ speakers undertake teaching tours, seminars, and conferences across the globe. The ICEJ is committed to telling the truth about Israel, and helping the church to understand the wonderful faithfulness of God through the fulfillment of His promises to the Jewish people.
Today’s news was written and compiled by Aaron Hecht.

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