Make Our Mouth Like Gems, Oh God…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Make Our Mouth Like Gems, Oh God..


Good morning beautiful people, good early morning. Yesterday, I had the privilege to  share at a young ladies group about how unique God created each of us. He made us beautiful, gifted, talented, special, precious, amazing and has the master plan for our lives. It was a blessing to speak over their lives and then have them speak over their own lives and each others lives. We need to build each other up. God doesn’t make junk, we were all created in His image. We are God’s gems and we need to believe His Words over our lives. (Psalm 139)

Today, let’s pray about the power of our words. We have the power in our mouths to build ourselves and others up. Let’s be the difference the world needs today. Let’s ask God Himself to empower us and make our mouth like a gem. Purified and speaking life everywhere we journey. His heart is that none should perish and His heart should be our heart, right? (2 Peter 3:9) Let’s pray:

Father, thank you for making our mouth like gems. We need the Holy Spirit to sharpen us and purify our tongues. Proverbs 18:21 tells us that the tongue has the power of life and death, and those that love it will eat it’s fruit.

Father, every person on this planet is important to you and every life has value and purpose. Our words should build each other up, edify and exhort. Proverbs 27:17 tells us As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Father, help us to speak life, speak words that help another person be the very best they can be. You are all about loving people and we are your ambassadors. Empower us today God. Make our hearts sensitive to your leading and the people we will speak with. Holy Spirit take full control.

All across this globe today we declare our conversations will be edifying to the Lord Jesus Christ. Our mouths will be used to build up, edify and encourage. We will only speak life words. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. He gave you this day to enjoy, to live and to be a blessing in our world. Let’s use our words well.

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