Devil Puts His Tools Up For Sale


Our thanks to our Dear, Dear Friend Pam Gustafson Davis for sharing with us:

This was written by the Senior Pastor of my church, Ron Corzine.

IT WAS ADVERTISED that the devil was going to put his tools up for sale. On the date of the sale the tools were placed for public inspection, each being marked with its sale price. There were a treacherous lot of implements. Hatred, Envy, Jealousy, Doubt, Lying, Pride, and so on. Laid apart from the rest of the pile was a harmless-looking tool, well-worn and priced very high. “The name of the tool?” asked one of the purchasers. “Oh,” said the adversary, “that’s Discouragement.” “Why have you priced it so high?” “Because it’s more useful to me than the others. I can pry open and get inside a person’s heart with that one, when I cannot get near him with other tools. Now once I get inside, I can make him do what I choose. It’s a badly worn tool, because I use it on almost everyone since few people know it belongs to me.” The devil’s price for Discouragement was so high, he never sold it. It’s still his major tool, and he still uses it on God’s people today. Let’s be those who counter this by encouraging others.

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