House of Hope Prayer


We are so blessed to share this prayer with you by Windom native Pastor Steve Morfitt. Pastor Steve lives in Brownsville, Texas. He wrote this prayer for the House of Hope, which will be held at the BARC in Windom Agugust 10th and 11th! 

Our God, our Help in ages past, our Hope for years to come, since Your Son has suffered the fullness of your wrath against our sins, fill us by Your Spirit with joy and peace in believing as we labor to bring your message of forgiveness to the world for whom He died. You are the God of Hope, fill us with bold trust and assurance as we live and worship in Your House of Hope.

God Bless you Pastor Steve, we pray that some year you can join us in Windom! Love in Jesus to you and yours!

We pray that we will see you at the House of Hope!

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