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Be Present, Be Powerful, Be You…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day

Be Present, Be Powerful, Be You…

Good morning beautiful people. I meet so many beautiful people every day. I am thankful that God gave me a heart to love people. Some folks I meet have become bitter. They have been on the path and they have been hurt. They feel like the black sheep in the body of Christ. It’s time for you to come back to the fold. Whether it was your own doing or that of the church body, it’s time to return. We are all a work in progress.

I was reading about a church where a lady wrote a letter to a well known pastor and had several criticisms about his church. The worship music was too fast and loud, his preaching was too loud and he spoke way too fast as well. Oh and they didn’t appreciate her help when she tried to assist someone in a wheelchair to get out too. She thought they wanted out as badly as she did.

As I read a little further to discover how the pastor handled it, I was blessed that he had taken the letter to prayer and asked the Holy Spirit how to handle it. The Lord showed the pastor what the woman needed. She needed unconditional love as she had become bitter from life’s circumstances. He wrote back and asked for forgiveness that his preaching was disappointing and the music too loud. He went on to tell her he sometimes wonders if he should turn the job over to someone else. He then purchased her a Bible had her name engraved on it and wrote inside a note asking the lady to please accept this as a token of his love and mailed it to her.

Guess who was at Bible study on Wednesday night? The lady with the Bible thanking him for the note, the Bible and for loving her when she was unlovable. She was looking for an unconditional place of love and acceptance and she found it. Guess who is still there many  years later?

I thought a lot about this story this morning. How would I have handled it, I asked God? Hmmm. Show me Father, so I can better serve you, I pray.

Father, create in us a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within us, we pray. Psalm 51:10

Holy Spirit lead us today and may the church (us) walk in the power of the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. Thank you for leading us as you teach us to love like you, oh God.

Have a blessed day beautiful people. You are not a black sheep, you are loved. Just be present, be powerful and just be you! Amen? Amen!




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