UPDATE: So far today a motorcyclist has been killed in Albuquerque in a fiery crash with a semi and a pedestrian has been killed in the city.
I awoke this morning 2am to begin my day of service. I was so sadden to find this report in my email. I have constantly over my years on radio and here at FGGAM proclaimed the problem of reckless drivers here in New Mexico, speed and drunk driving. Even on our side streets here in Albuquerque we suffer from speedy drivers in cars, trucks and motorcycles. We are near the top in pedestrian deaths. Where is the sanctity of life in all this? So many seem to be on a “death wish” the way they drive. New Mexico is also a leader in abortion, at the bottom in child well-being. What is the problem New Mexico? It is way beyond the timed to address these questions. Why can’t New Mexico be at the top in good things?
I pray constantly for my Sharon and daughter Gretchen as they travel to and from work and school. I pray for the entire city and state constantly everyday that it will come to God.
New Mexico ranks 2nd in the country for Speeding fatalities, and the study published by consumer research website, ValuePenguin.com reveal a devastating picture for the state:
- New Mexico ranks as the 2nd deadliest state in the country when it comes to speeding-related fatalities. There are 6.97 speeding-related fatalities per 100,000 residents, which is more than DUI fatalities in the state.
- How Did Your Neighbours Fare? Compared to Arizona, Colorado, Texas, and Oklahoma, New Mexico has significantly more speeding fatalities. However, all four of your neighbor states ranked pretty high in our study; Oklahoma ranked 9th, Arizona 11th, Colorado 19th, and Texas 20th.
- Speeding-related fatalities have overtaken DUI fatalities: Since 2010, speeding accounted for nearly a quarter of all traffic fatalities in New Mexico, which is significantly more than drunken driving fatalities.
We go into more detail in our report which you can view here:
https://www.valuepenguin.com/ auto-insurance/states-where- speeding-causing-most-deaths