“Freely you have received, freely give.”
Matthew 10:8
What does it mean to glorify the Lord? It means showing off Jesus! Talking about Him, thinking about Him, singing about His goodness, pointing people to Him, letting all His attributes and character qualities shine through our lives. That’s what it means to glorify Him.
The other night while lying in bed, I had the chance to glorify Him by just thinking about His goodness. I was pondering 1 Timothy 6:17, which says that He “richly gives us all things to enjoy.” Lying there, I magnified the Lord in my thoughts. I recalled how God’s hand of blessing often stopped and started in the Old Testament depending on the Israelites’ obedience.
But then I thought of God’s New Testament way of doing things. Always blessing. Always giving. And always richly giving us all things to enjoy. Jesus is the manna always falling on the camp. He is the rock in the desert, ever sending out streams of life. He is the bronze serpent, lifted high, and always healing. He is the sun always shining. He is the well of grace constantly overflowing. Who ever returned from His door unblessed? Who ever rose from His table unsatisfied? Scripture says, “Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” (Psalm 103:2). The Lord Jesus is so good. Taste and see how really good He is. Drink deeply from the Living Water today… and glorify His name.
I think we glorify the Lord best when we pass on His goodness to others. By God’s grace, you are His manna to others. You are His light shining in the darkness. You are the vessel through which His grace overflows. And out of you flow streams, rivers of life touching the thirsty world around you. The charge to us today is to richly giveall things for others to enjoy.
Father, help me to glorify Your Son this day as I watch for opportunities to touch, encourage, help, and strengthen other lives today by Your empowering and in Your great joy.