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Does God Really Heal Us? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…

Does God Really Heal Us?

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. As we prepare for the upcoming Healing Waters Women’s Conference 2018, I am so full of excitement. It is with great anticipation  our team prepares to share the Word of God that heals people. His Word is powerful and we can hold Him to it. In His presence, so many things happen.

Our team loves to believe God for things bigger than anything we could do on our own. Then, when it happens we know it is nothing we could ever accomplish. It’s all for His glory. We are just vessels He chooses to use.


Father, thank you for being the God that heals us. No matter what we have going on in our lives, you are greater. You are more powerful than what our limited minds can comprehend. We just need to take you at your Word and believe. All things are possible with God. (Matthew 19:26) All things? Yes!

Father, you said to write the vision and make it plain (Habakkuk 2:2). You said to have great expectation (Psalm 39:7). You can do whatever you want, whenever you want, you are God. You are just looking for a place to manifest the power of your spirit. A place where your glory dwells and the presence of God is welcome, with people that believe.

Thank you for being the God that heals (Psalm 107:20). Thank you for being the God that sets people free (John 8:36).

Cancer, diabetes, mental health issues, and every other sickness and disease, you bow to the mighty name of Jesus Christ. You are powerless over us. We are BELIEVERS!

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Stay in faith believing in the Word of Jesus Christ.

John 4:42 We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.



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