Wait for the Lord


Wait for the Lord

Wait for the Lord and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land.

Psalm 37:34, NIV

“On the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat” (Gen. 8:4, NIV). When Noah first gazed out of the window, drinking in the warmth of the sunshine and breathing the clean, fresh air, it must have looked like he was on an island in the midst of a vast lake with the tops of the mountains looking like other islands in the sea. But as the water continued to recede, what did he think when he realized he was on top of a mountain range seventeen thousand feet high?

As Noah became aware of the gradual yet drastic changes taking place in his circumstances, he must have feared what they would mean to his everyday life. He was an old man to be starting out in a new job requiring a new home and a totally new environment. But like the psalmist, Noah knew he should “wait for the Lord and keep his way.” He had to keep trusting that the same God Who had saved him from the storm of judgment that had “cut off” the wicked would enable him to inherit the “land” of his new life.


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