Is Your Life In His Hands? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


Is Your Life In His Hands?


Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I pondered a lot this early morning the word surrender. God doesn’t force us to follow Him, He has given us free will and free choice. He doesn’t demand, He gently guides. His love is beyond imaginable. It’s a love that transcends beyond our limited minds. Don’t you think it’s time to review where you are in life? I am.

Recently, I taped a last minute interview with some friends about a conference I was involved in. As we were praying prior to the taping, I had a vision and I saw three clocks and they were spinning fast.

Last Saturday, I traveled downstate for a prayer meeting for persecuted Christians. I stopped at a store for a friend to purchase some items. A wrist watch caught my eye and attention. It had three little wheel clocks inside the face of this larger sized woman’s watch. It quickened something inside of me. I didn’t purchase the watch, as I have a working watch and didn’t need it. However, I couldn’t get that watch off my mind. It brought back the memory of the last minute radio taping a few weeks earlier and the vision I had while praying. The three clocks spinning will be forever etched in my mind.

As we traveled further south we discussed the watch and the vision I had while praying. I happened to look at the license plate of the car in front of me at some point and it read outoftme. To me it was saying out of time.  Let’s Pray:

Father, we don’t know the time or hour that you will return. Since I was a young girl, I was afraid you would return and I wouldn’t be ready. I thought you were a Father that was looking to punish me for every wrong doing. I didn’t have revelation of your love. I remember as a teenager, thinking what to heck, I will never make it anyway and just gave up. Oh what lies sometimes gets embedded in our lives.

Father, thank you for deeper revelation of your love. You created the heavens and the earth and you were pleased. Your love and mercy for mankind we don’t deserve, but you freely give it. Oh, the grace of our God.

Father, you willingly gave your son so that mankind could be redeemed and have eternal life with you. Thank you for your love and sacrifice. Amen

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Have you surrendered your life to Jesus? Time is running out.





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