NO SURPRISE HERE: UNM Enrollment Continues to Fall


This drop in enrollment does not surprise me at all as the University of New Mexico has failed to uphold ethics. It is an institution that is full of problems. Everything from the abortion issues to such bad behavior in the athletic department!

God does not approve of such behavior. The people of New Mexico are paying a deep price because of this dysfunction that just goes on and on. Sadly, it seems that many in the state just accept this. But, hey, most voters in the state now support legalization of marijuana! New Mexico is going down a very bad path!

ABQ Story Here

This is my post from Sept. 7th of this year……..

UNM is suffering from corruption……..has been for years…..

Thomas a’ Kempis said, “When Jesus is near, all is well and nothing seems difficult. When He is absent, all is hard.” Jesus is absent from UNM and that is why things are so hard and there is unethical behavior at this tax payer supported institution.

When you kick God out..chaos occurs… is very sad, very heart breaking the road UNM has been on…..

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18

I posted this yesterday afternoon but have added an update from the Albuquerque Journal below……….

I am thankful that New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas is holding UNM accountable. I appreciate that AG Balderas does not care if a person is a Democrat or Republican, he will go after them. It is about time UNM be held accountable!

The dysfunction of this tax payer institution must stop. What a poor example for our youth and all of us. So many ethical infractions over the years. They educate our children?

KOB TV  reports:

A report released by the New Mexico Office of the Attorney General details what the office calls the flagrant abuse of transparency laws by University of New Mexico officials.

Two reports for you including the Journal update…….

KOB TV Report ABQ Journal Report

This is from Sept. 10th…….

The above sign is from the Glenwood, New Mexico Baptist Church

I do not know what to say……sometimes I am just speechless of the actions of UNM. Thomas a’ Kempis said, “When Jesus is near, all is well and nothing seems difficult. When He is absent, all is hard.”

It appears to me that the sanctity of life is at the bottom at UNM. This University has more ethical problems that I can count over the years. The dysfunction at UNM just keeps going and going….nobody stops this dysfunction, it is a tax payer supported institution that runs amok. The problem runs very, very deep, the question I have, is why do the people of New Mexico put up with such a mess? MOST not ALL Democrats and Republicans seem to ignore this ugly stuff at UNM and make politics out of it. Politics is not the answer, JESUS is!

Shame on UNM

Read the latest here:ABQ Journal Report

This is from Sept. 13th……..

FGGAM NEWS just received this news release from NM Alliance for Life, Thank you Elisa Martinez

Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed Against UNM, 
Southwestern Women’s Options in Botched Abortion
Women Instructed to Not Seek Emergency Care
BREAKING: Albuquerque, NM — A wrongful death lawsuit has been filed on behalf of the estate of 23-year-old Keisha Atkins who died during a botched late-term abortion last year. As reported by New Mexico Alliance for Life, Atkins died after being transferred to the University of New Mexico Hospital (UNMH) while experiencing complications from a septic infection during an elective late-term abortion performed by Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) in Albuquerque.  Atkins was six months pregnant.
The lawsuit seeks damages against both UNM and SWO for medical malpractice, wrongful death, and civil conspiracy. SWO is charged with violating the New Mexico Unfair Trade Practices Act for instructing women, “do not go to the emergency room,” but rather, contact the clinic’s answering service for a medical emergency.
Albuquerque attorney, Michael Seibel and Justin K. Hall, a former UNM Academic All-American football player,  filed the lawsuit on behalf of Atkins’ mother Tina Atkins and her sister Nicole Atkins. The pathologist, Dr. Lauren Dvorscak of the UNM Office of the Medical Investigator is also named in the lawsuit for civil conspiracy in the cover-up of Atkins’ cause of death.
Detail of SWO policy obtained by subpoena

“Keisha Atkins’ medical treatment was a series of negligence and malpractice which ultimately led to her untimely death-these actions were compounded by the fact that she was instructed to not seek emergency room care by Southwestern doctors,” said Atkins’ attorney Michael Seibel.  “We also have reason to believe that these parties conspired with UNM’s Medical Investigator to conceal the cause of death from the abortion in order to protect each other’s interests and long-standing relationships.”
In what has become one of the biggest stories involving the reckless and irresponsible practices of the abortion industry, New Mexico Alliance for Life (NMAFL) has worked diligently to expose the malpractice that cost a healthy 23 year-old woman her life.
“What kind of clinic instructs patients not to contact the hospital for an emergency, but rather to call an answering service in the middle of a life-threatening septic abortion?” asked Elisa Martinez, spokesperson for the Atkins estate. “This is not medicine, this is a reckless public health crisis driven by abortionist Curtis Boyd, a co-founder of the National Abortion Federation who puts his bottom line and ideology before his patients.”
“We have uncovered numerous scandals surrounding UNM’s ongoing collaboration with Southwestern Women’s Options, from their now defunct resident training at the clinic, to aborted baby parts harvesting and other issues,” said Elisa Martinez.  “The cover-up of Keisha’s death is a civil conspiracy and yet another scandal that must be uncovered, how many other deaths and injuries by Southwestern Women’s Options have been concealed?”
As previously reported in emails obtained by Atkins’ attorneys, UNMH doctors Trenton Wray MD and Gary Hatch, who treated Atkins, raised serious concerns about the accuracy of the autopsy report by Dr. Lauren Dvorscak. Dvorscak’s report attributed Atkins’ death to natural causes due to pregnancy, rather than the botched abortion.
Atkins’ estate also charges that SWO did not fully disclose risks and potential complications of the late-term abortion. According to an American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology study, late-term abortions carry a 91 times greater risk of death than first trimester abortions.
The shocking details of the negligence and malpractice surrounding Keisha’s death have been covered by CBS and NBC local media affiliates. Stay connected with us–as the source for breaking developments in this very important case. Share with your friends and family, and also share this story on social media.   #JusticeforKeisha  #endlatetermabortion #AskUNM. 
Support the work of New Mexico Alliance for Life today, by making a secure, online donation.  Help us continue to build a Culture of Life in New Mexico!
New Mexico Alliance for Life is registered as 501 c(4) non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.
Thank you foryour support!
The New Mexico Alliance for Life is a nonpartisan organization focused on changing state and local laws by empowering women with better and informed choices when facing unplanned or difficult pregnancies and advocating for better protections for women and unborn children from an unsafe abortion industry. For more information visit


NM Alliance for Life, NMAFL, Albuquerque, NM 87110

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