Time to Forgive


As the world watches, the Congress of the United States holds a hearing of confirmation in order to choose a new member of the Supreme Court. But just before the end of the hearings a woman member of Congress steps up and throws a wrench into the whole thing by reporting that she has information that makes it impossible to proceed. An incident from 36 years ago, when the man was a teenager, has been brought to light that, if true, would make him unfit to fill the position on the highest court in the land….
But what about the highest court in the universe….the only true Supreme Court Judge…. God. What would He do in this situation? Where and how did we ever give the government the power to make decisions that they are not equipped to make? Who died and left them in charge of determining a man’s fitness based on his actions before he was even considered to be an adult?
Let’s just admit it, we are, and have always been, a species dominated by our sexual urges. The term “if it feels good, do it” has been the only rule of law many have followed since the 1970’s. Because we failed to stop this movement when it started, the whole country is now facing the consequences. With the recent “Me Too” movement, created by women who feel they have been treated only as sexual objects by men, all members of Congress hesitate to go against such ideas and insist that this woman who has come forward….and the woman who disclosed it (the “head Democrat” in Congress) are both lying and the whole thing a well-planned scheme developed only to delay the hearings until elections are held in November.
The man being judged is a judge himself and has been proven to be an honorable and upstanding person in his profession as well as his personal life, so why let something that supposedly happened so long ago even become an issue? In the future, we must insist that Congress pass a rule that investigations of candidates for the Supreme Court be based only on the basis of said candidate’s service and conduct within the realm of years served in the profession of law enforcement and interpretation. One’s personal life should be left to the judgement of the only one worthy of being called Supreme….God.
It is important to have honorable and trustworthy people holding the high offices of our government, but how can we base judgement of their character on who they were 30 or more years ago? People change a lot in the process of growing up and determining what kind of person they will become. Many changes occur due to one’s environment, level of education, living conditions, desire to succeed and the decisions we make. The one most important, life-changing decision we can make is truly personal and between us and our creator.
Those who adhere to the belief that man evolved from the monkey are only monkeying around with the truth in order to avoid admitting that they have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Until we realize and accept the fact that we were created by a loving God who only wants us to recognize Him for who He is….the only one able to forgive us for our sins and shortcomings, and allow Him to teach us the true meaning of life and the purpose of our existence, we are lost souls. Lost souls have nothing to look forward to past death, no hope in an everlasting life, no joy in knowing they are loved beyond measure by the one who IS love.
Along with giving us life, God gives each one of us a gift known as “faith”. Some of us open this gift early and enjoy it for a long time. Some of us wait till we are old or about to die before unwrapping it. Still others never open their gift so never get to enjoy the benefits of it. To receive our gift of faith, we only have to come to the conclusion that God is real and will do what He has promised. Without Him there is no hope, only pain and gnashing of teeth.
The world has by now heard the good news of salvation offered by faith in Jesus and His power to save is universally available to all. No stings, no requirements beyond our gift of faith, nothing but our own stubbornness stands between us and eternal life. So why don’t we all just accept it? Because of the power of sin. Jesus is the only one who can overcome this power. People have a desire to do things their own way and like to think they are survivors and can handle anything life throws at them, but it’s not true. Without Him, we have no power, no ability to overcome anything except maybe those around us who are weaker. But, what good is it to gain rule over the whole world and in the end lose your soul?
These members of Congress, given the ability to judge, need to know that along with the gift of faith comes the ability to forgive. If in fact anyone did what the woman who came forward in this case said they did, whether it be Kavanaugh or not, it happened 36 years ago. She has held onto this secret hurt for so long it has become a part of her and surely hindered her ability to be happy. Maybe it is time for her to let go and find it in her heart to forgive this man so that both can get on with their lives free from the burden it has become. Sin is the enemy here and it’s bond can be broken only by the power of love. Being saved means being forgiven, set free from the bonds of sin. If one person learns that lesson from this episode in Congress, especially the one doing the accusing, then it will end well. If they find a deserving man undeserving to serve on the Supreme Court based on this woman’s choice to hold onto childhood feelings and a need for vengeance, then we have made little progress in our efforts to make America great again. May God lead in the final decision.

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Betty Fritz
My name is Betty Fritz. I was born and raised in Texas but have resided in Elkhart, Indiana for the last 25 years. My husband is a Hoosier so that’s how we wound up here. We have two daughters and a son plus 6 grand kids…..3 boys and 3 girls. I retired last year after working for 24 years at Elkhart Child Development Center. I’ve been writing since a teenager and have taken several writing courses. I enjoy writing short stories. I wrote a book of poems, RHYMES OF THE TIMES, which was published a few years ago. I have written countless songs, a few for which demo recordings have been made. Recently I’ve been writing blogs..most of them about my faith and things the Lord has taught me in my Christian life over the last 51 years. My inspiration comes from my personal relationship with Jesus Christ and my desire to see that my grandchildren grow up in a Christian nation. My goal is to bring glory to Him and help others to see that there is POWER in the name of JESUS!

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