You Don’t Have It All Together? Come Just As You Are…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


You Don’t Have It All Together? Come Just As You Are…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I enjoyed dinner out last evening with my brother. Well, actually he cooked for me. Somehow, I sense it should have been the other way around, but since he is my brother, I won’t worry about that this morning. He always welcomes me even if I am going a hundred miles an hour.
It did make me think however this morning, of all the people that think they need to have it all together to come to Jesus or come to church. Unfortunately, the pews would be empty, the doors would be locked if that was the case. God isn’t looking for perfection, He is looking to take imperfect people and make something beautiful out of their lives. You come to Him just as you are. Isn’t that the best news you have heard lately? You do not need to have it all together, you just need to have an open heart to receive the greatest free gift ever. Then you will dine at a table filled with the goodness of God.
If you have an addiction, come to Jesus. If you have messed up, come to Jesus. If you need hope today, come to Jesus. Is your heart broken? Come to Jesus. Do you need healing, deliverance, freedom, help of any kind? Come to Jesus. You will find help for your weary soul. Let’s pray:
Father, thank you that you died for mankind while we were yet far away from you. You accept us just as we are and change us to be more like you. Your love for us is so amazing. We can come to you just as we are and there is not one that you would reject. There is not one day that is better than the other to begin the journey, except today. All of our days are numbered by You, oh God.
Father, tear down the lies believed in our world today. Tear down mindsets, traditions of men, religion, anything and everything that keeps people away from journeying life with Jesus. You are a good Father, full of mercy, kindness and grace. We can all come today, equal at the foot of the cross. You are no respecter of persons and you will heal, deliver, and set people’s spirits free. We all can come, come as we are. You never turn us away, not ever. Amen
Have a blessed day beautiful people. Come as you are and talk with Him today (pray). He will get it all straightened out. Look for Him working in your daily lives as He works things out for your good. He hears you when you pray. (Jeremiah 31:3)

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