Canada’s Giant Public Health ‘Experiment’ with Legalized Cannabis Begins


Canada’s giant public health ‘experiment’ with legalized cannabis begins
CBC News

Experts say making marijuana legal will help yield much needed insight into the drug’s health effects — both positive and negative. Read the full story


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More here on the marijuana issue in New Mexico……

I watched the KOB TV NM Governors debate between Michelle Lujan Grisham, Democrat and Republican Steve Pearce last night. To me the debate was more of a TV production than a good old fashion debate, but I am an old news reporter, when debates were debates! This debate was very structured for TV, with 1 minute responses???!!! Really 60 seconds??!!!! I was very disappointed in that! That is why I do not like TV structured debates, they are more for SHOW than CONTENT! I had a headache by the end!

Are we so in a hurry now that we decide who to vote for by their one minute responses, by their mudslinging and TV ads? Its like TV news and their 10 second sound bites. NO CONTENT! Journalism is gone.

The part of the debate that stands out for me, is when the candidates were asked about legalizing marijuana. Lujan Grisham is for that. Pearce is not. Pearce answered the question in part by saying, and I am paraphrasing, “Lets get a handle on the alcohol problem first” AMEN to that. Pearce also pointed out what is happening in Colorado since they legalized pot. See reports below.

All New Mexico needs to do now is pour more gas on the fire by legalizing pot. The state has enough problems now, like the murdering of our children, drunk driving deaths, severe drug addictions, suicide, gambling, shootings, and on and on……and you want to add more problems to this horrific scene???? How much more can be asked of our law enforcement officials? New Mexico is so very violent now! Plus, we have a shortage statewide of law enforcement officers!!!

Both candidates support medical marijuana.

The debate got ugly more often than not with mudslinging.

Even thou I do not like these TV debates, it did bring out the differences in where the candidates stand on the issues. ABQ Journal Report

Here is some past posts on the marijuana issue…….

This is not good news at all! So many in Colorado regret legalizing marijuana! ABQ Journal Story

Here is a post I did on Sept. 8th of this year………

I have written for years on this subject….the attempt to legalize recreational marijuana is still the wish of some here in New Mexico. I am for medical use of marijuana, but not the recreational use. Denver and the whole state of Colorado is paying a huge price for their decision to legalize recreational marijuana. Read this KOB TV Report

New Mexico has so many awful problems now, child abuse, murder of children, drug abuse, drunk driving, murder, crime, homelessness, corruption…..etc… legalizing the recreational use of marijuana is like pouring gas on a wildfire…..

Here is a post from April 21st of this year……..

I pray that our elected officials in New Mexico pay attention to this and all other states that are thinking of legalizing marijuana. Here in New Mexico Many politicians have pushed this idea in a movement to create cash flow for the state, just as they did to legalize casinos. Casinos and gambling have created so many addictions and financial problems for people, our former Secretary of State, being one of them.

Colorado governor won’t rule out banning marijuana again. Here’s why

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper has two facts in front of him: Since 2014 crime has been rising in his state, outstripping the national trend, and since 2014 recreational use of marijuana has been legal. Read the full story


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Opinion: Pot is dangerous, not funny — a doctor tells us why
Fox News

No matter how much fun using marijuana looks like on TV or how many people tell you it’s harmless, remember one thing: unless you have certain medical conditions where the drug may be beneficial, you are better off without it. Read the full story

From Billy Graham:


If something is legal, then that ought to make it OK in the eyes of God, shouldn’t it? It looks like our state is going to legalize marijuana next year, so what’s wrong with enjoying it once in a while, even now?


If something is illegal (which marijuana still is in your state), then it certainly wouldn’t be God’s will for you to break the law, and I sincerely hope you won’t.

But even if it does become legal where you live (as it already has in some states), I strongly urge you not to use that as an excuse to come under the influence of this or any other drug, including alcohol. God gave our minds to us (as well as our bodies and souls), and it is never His will for us to abuse them or allow them to be controlled by anything that alters our judgment or places us (and others) in danger. The Bible bluntly says, “Do not get drunk…. Instead, be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18).

The real question, however, is this: What place does God have in your life? Are you honestly seeking His will, no matter what it is — or are you simply seeking His approval for what you already want to do? Be honest with yourself, but most of all, be honest before God. He made you, and life’s greatest joy comes from knowing Him and discovering His will for your life.

Only Christ can truly give you the lasting, inner peace you seek — and that’s why I urge you to turn to Him and ask Him to come into your life. Don’t be deceived by the false promise of drugs. Jesus’ promise is true: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you” (John 14:27).

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