Everything Plus More…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Everything Plus More…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. This morning I reflect back on this past weekend at the ACTS retreat at the Christian Life Center in Frenchville, Maine. God was everything plus more. I love to be with God’s people and I love How He showers His people with His presence and love. The theme With God All Things Are Possible Matthew 19:26 empowers me once again to believe Him to be everything I need in life. He always gives to me beyond my expectations.

Today, wherever you are on the journey and whatever you are experiencing in life, please know that God loves you and He wants to be your everything. He wants to journey life with you. He wants to show Himself as Father Abba and shower you with His agape love. It’s everything plus more. Let’s Pray:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UOd4b0byqs&w=560&h=315]

Father, thank you for being everything to us. You truly make our hearts overflow with your goodness. You touch hearts and bring healing in ways only you, our creator can do.

Father, thank you for John 3:16. Your presence on the earth makes our hearts overflow. Your abundant love resonates in our hearts because you have touched our lives. You take impossible situations and set us free.

Father, as we journey the day, continue to remind us that with you all things are possible. Because of  your great love, we can believe and know that you are working all things out for good in our lives. Amen

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Make Him your everything.





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