God Will Outlast Your Storm


Our Dear, Dear Friend Darlene Quiring of Mt. Lake, Minnesota shared this with us……

Darlene Fick Quiring

God will outlast your storm. Sheltered, protected, you’re safe in His arms. The night may pass, but God will outlast your storm. God is going to see you through. Through the flood, through the fire, through your storms & through your trials. You don’t have a question God can’t answer. You don’t have a mountain, God can’t move. So get ready for your miracle, because God’s going to see you through. You don’t have a doubt God can’t conquer. You won’t fight a battle God can’t win. So rise up today, be strong in your faith, because God is bringing victory again. PTL!

If you’ve got a problem & don’t know just what to do. If you’re facing sickness, struggling to make it through. Friend, there is no mountain that God can not move. No, there’s nothing impossible for God to do. He is able. All things are possible to him that believes. Lord, I believe!! Help my unbelief. I choose to believe and trust God for my miracle today!! You do the same!! Thanks again Marilyn Ashworth Nelson


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