The Kneeling Warrior!

Beautiful sunset as man bows down to pray God before a cross.


  “ . . . The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.          (James 5:16b)

 “Fervent”, translated from the Greek “energeo”, which means: “to be active” “be mighty in” “to be at work” “to be effective” “to produce”.    The implication is that a praying person will be effective as he applies much effort and time in the praying.

Further . . .

 “Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.” (Colossians 4:12)

Allow me also draw your attention to the words, “laboring fervently”.    From the Greek, “agonizomai”, which means “to struggle” “to compete for a prize” “to contend with an adversary” “to fight, labor, wrestle for” “to exert oneself” “to strive earnestly” “to carry on a war”.

Dear believer, please do not think me arrogant in asking this question, rather be honest with yourself and with God.   However, Beloved, how much of your (and my) prayer life could be defined in these ways?  The greatest missing element in the average believer’s praying is the fight . . . the contending . . . the “standing in the gap” for . . . the ask, and keeping on asking, the seek, and keeping on seeking, the knock, and keeping on knocking!

Our world needs more fighters on their knees, for the Kingdom’s sake, and the sake of a needy world!      Come on church, Pray On!

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Jerry Mccullah
Jerry McCullah has been involved in various prayer ministries since 1993 and is currently pastor of Green Valley Bible Chapel of Green Valley, Ca. As CSBC Prayer Consultant, Jerry McCullah is available to assist churches and associations in the training and development of personal prayer and prayer ministries, through consultations, seminars, concerts of prayer, and prayer revivals. As Impact Prayer International President, Jerry McCullah is able to work across denominational and international borders to do the same. Jerry: God has called me to encourage Christians into a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ; one that is real and personal, which comes through a life of prayer. The world needs praying people! God seeks praying people! I am available to assist your churches in the training and development of a personal prayer life, and church prayer renewal, through seminars, prayer retreats, concerts of prayer, and prayer revivals. My passion is to excite Christians to the possibilities prayer opens up before them. With God all things are possible! Would you give me the honor to work with you to the fulfillment of these words: “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven . . . deliver us from the evil one” (Matthew 6:10,13)? Let’s schedule something for your precious people! Contact Info: 15724 Calle Hermosa Green Valley, Ca. 91390 661-270-9671

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