Camp Fire Update: 81 dead and 870 missing, Rain Could Soon Help Wildfire Fight


We are in prayer for all those families who lost loved ones in in the wildfires of California. We pray for all those who lost their homes….many with no place to go. This Thanksgiving, let us all give to those in need. This horrific tragedy really brings into focus what really matters. I pray that all the gun violence stops in America…..all hate ends in America…..all division stops…..Oh LORD, that people that do not know you and your ways, turn to you this Thanksgiving and accept you into their heart and soul, in Jesus name, Amen!

Camp Fire update: 81 dead and 870 missing, while rain could soon help wildfire fight
The Sacramento Bee

The number of reported dead in the Butte County Camp Fire in California increased Tuesday to 81, according to a Cal Fire. 870 people remain missing. Rain forecast for Wednesday may cause flash floods but could help the fire fight. Read the full story


California wildfire smoke has now made it all the way to New York City
SF Gate

On Monday, New Yorkers woke up to a sight all-too-familiar to Californians: hazy skies caused by wildfire smoke. That smoke came from almost 3,000 miles away in Butte County, wafting across the continental United States to end up on the East Coast. The Camp Fire, which began on Nov. 8, has burned 151,373 acres, destroyed 12,637 residences and killed 81 with 870 people missing. It is now 70 percent contained. Read the full story


Shared from Apple News

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