I’ll Be Preaching at Cross Christian Fellowship on Sunday


I pray that if you do not have a Church home you will come Sunday! I will be filling in for Pastor Mark Grothe at Cross Christian Fellowship in Albuquerque. It is a Godly honor to be at Pastor Mark’s Church on Sunday. My Thanksgiving message is on “The Promise of Real Peace” I am pictured above with Pastor Mark and his lovely bride Rebecca

From Pastor Mark Grothe………..

Sunday, we will be blessed to have Pastor Dewey Moede. He is such a great encouragement to Pastor Mark and prays fervently for our fellowship. He not only is such a powerful man of God and an awesome prayer warrior, he will be bringing a message that will knock your socks off. Invite your friends and don’t miss this. Don’t forget, services start at 1030am. Would love to see you there! Our address is 4817 Central NE, Albuquerque, NM.

We also covet your prayers for our fellowship. We are seeing an uprise in the homeless community’s needs since it has gotten cold. We and Cross Christian Fellowship, Reflections are having a drive for non-persihable food items, gloves, hats, socks and blankets. These will be a blessing to those who are homeless and will help them to be warm during this season. We are asking for your help.

If we are to please God, we need to allow The Holy Spirit to set us apart. We need to pursue a sinless life. We are to seek Righteousness. How do we do it? Through prayer, study, fellowship, being willing to be corrected/accountability, discipleship, and service.

It starts with Our Relationship with Jesus. If you don’t have a Relationship with Him or you need to rekindle that Relationship, do it now. Call out to Him and seek his Love and Forgiveness. It really is as hard or easy as you make it.

We should look to Him daily to seek a relationship with Him. I want to encourage you to seek Him today, if you haven’t already. If you need help, have questions or need direction in this regard, please, feel free to let me know.

Maybe today you are struggling with something. Maybe you may have found yourself not as close to The Lord as you thought. We would like to help you in this through prayer and guidance. If you find yourself in need of prayer and/or encouragement, please, feel free to call or text +1 (505) 600-1027 or email cross66info@gmail.com

Or, you can download our app at:  www.pray.com/Cross66

If you are seeking to grow in your Faith, please check out CCF College at: www.ccfcollege.com/15.html

Interested in supporting our ministry? Please, feel free to give at https://www.paypal.me/cross66

Any scripture referenced here is taken from New King James Version (NKJV) unless otherwise noted

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