The Family Thanksgiving in ABQ That Was Robbed


I am very tired of the speeding on our streets in the city. People driving 60 in a 30 and on and on we go. There was a wreck just down the road from us the other day by LBJ Middle School. The intersection has a stop light, one driver speeding hit another car. I had a lady the other day blow a stop sign in our neighborhood, good thing I was under the speed limit I was able to stop. I see such bad driving in Albuquerque, road rage, people driving like they are on the way to their funeral. It’s a lot worse here, than when we were in Sacramento, California visiting Sharon’s family.

By speeding we disregard the sanctity of life. By breaking the speed limit we sin. Lives are taken in seconds by speeders as you will read here ABQ JOURNAL Story Thanksgiving was robbed by an apparent speeder. Two young men were killed in Albuquerque as they prepared Thanksgiving Day for their loved ones.

Way to many lives are lost by speeding and drunk driving in New Mexico, but now watch as the Dems push to legalize marijuana in the state, pot heads will be driving. Colorado has a huge mess on their hands since legalizing pot! The politicians think of the tax revenue not about the sanctity of life.


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