Go, Tell, Believe… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Go, Tell, Believe…

Good morning beautiful people. Yesterday I assisted a friend with wrapping and taking their Christmas gifts to an organization that they assist for Christmas.  As I prayed over the gifts and the lives of these precious people, my heart petitioned God to draw them, protect them and bless them beyond whatever they could ever think or imagine. That this Christmas they truly would see Christ in Christmas.

Today, let’s thank God for giving us a Christmas assignment. Then let’s go, tell and believe Him for the results.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvydFKT6ZJ0&w=560&h=315]

Father, thank you for the birth of Christ. Our lives are forever changed. Today, we join our faith across this globe for the less fortunate, the hurting, the people that live among us carrying life issues beyond what we will ever know.

Father, today we petition you to heal your people from the inside out. God of miracles thank you for pouring out your love through your people like never before. May the love of Christ flow from heart to heart this Christmas. Give us God assignments so much bigger than what we could ever accomplish on our own, we pray. Thank you signs, wonders and miracles follow us.

Father, trust us today with much. May we always be willing to go, to tell and may many believe on the name Jesus Christ this Christmas. May our actions tell, even if we cannot use words.

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Go, tell and may many believe.

Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it. Mark 16:20

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