Good Morning Beautiful People…He Is The Light Of The World, Merry Christmas


Good Morning Beautiful People…He Is The Light Of The World, Merry Christmas


Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Today the world changed forever because of the birth of Jesus Christ. His life poured out for you and for me and to all whom will believe in Him all across this globe.

Today, as you unwrap your presents, my biggest prayer is that His presence saturates your life and your home. His grace, His mercy, His love are gifts that never wear out and no man can give them to us and no man can take them away. He came to us this day as our redeemer and thirty three years later He gave the ultimate sacrifice of dying on the cross, so all of our sins past, present and future are all washed away. His birth, burial and resurrection are signs that He lives today in us through the power of the Holy Spirit. John 14:26 tells us the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

Whatever you have need of today beautiful people, because He lives you can have it. Healing, deliverance, provision and all that is wrapped up in His atonement, (our inheritance) is yours to all who will believe. I must tell you once again.

Tell Them…

Tell them I love them…
Tell them they are mine…
Tell them I will never leave them nor forsake them.

Tell them they are precious gems…
Tell them I see them as perfect.

Tell them they reflect my image…
Tell them not to look back.

Tell them to look straight ahead…
Tell them I laid out the red carpet for them.
My blood, It was enough.
Tell them, tell them, tell them again!

Merry Christmas God’s Beautiful People. Believe in Him and be saved.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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