Idaho Post Office Named in Honor of Harmon Killebrew



What a honor for Harmon Killebrew and family! I was blessed to know Harmon and I have become great friends with his wife Nita!

The baseball and football fields at Payette High already are named for Harmon Killebrew, and the city holds an annual celebration in his name.

Now one of baseball’s greatest home run hitters has an Idaho post office named in his honor. More Here Pictured here to the left is me interviewing Harmon at KNML The Sports Animal Radio station in Albuquerque in 1997. I’m also pictured with his wife Nita at the BARC library in Windom, Minnesota in August of 2018. Nita took part in House of Hope this year and also took time out to talk to folks at a special Saturday morning breakfast. God has really blessed me with knowing these two Godly people. I am so very blessed!

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