I’m Off to FBC in Reserve This Morning……..


Merry Christmas!!!

Best Christmas Present! A lady came up to me yesterday and said “You’re the reason I made it through my rough time” I said no, God and you! God can deliver us from anything! Amen!

Last night I was blessed to bring forth a Christmas message at the Indigo Mortgage Christmas Party! PTL for owners Ben and Mila Lucero for their Godly testimony to us all! Just think if every business in America would proclaim the good news, the reason for the season!!!

It has been a super blessed time, I have been so very blessed to share my Christmas message the last 2 days and now today! PTL! 

I am off early this morning to give me Christmas message to the wonderful folks at the First Baptist Church in Reserve, NM! Please keep me in your prayers as I travel 8 hours in the car today in rural New Mexico.

Here is a bit of a taste of my message this morning……….

The wise men saw the star from thousands of miles away, but they had not met the one for whom it shown! But once they did….TRANSFORMATION!!!

The shepherds heard about Him in a BIG, EXCITING way! ….but they had not met Him yet!

They followed their hearts and when they met Jesus, they were changed!

Christmas is defined by one event only!

The birth of JESUS!

If you and I celebrate Christmas for what it is, it will make a difference!

If you truly celebrate the birth of Jesus, people won’t have to worry that you’re a different person at Christmas, because what they see at Christmas will be the same thing they see all year long!

This is from yesterday………

I just got off the phone with Pam Singleton in Reserve, NM. Her Hubby James passed away Friday morning into the arms of our Lord. Please keep Pam in your prayers! Thank you so much! Pam is so very thankful for your love and prayers.

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