Let us stir one another up in love


This morning we are blessed to hear from Connie Keyohara! Merry Christmas!

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25

Let’s break this down:

Consider, (think about others) with this in mind: what can I do today to help stir up others toward love and to good deeds?

Every day we are given the opportunity to encourage someone. Maybe it’s at work or school or maybe it’s from your home while you’re on Social Media. Our words are important to someone. Think about times you were encouraged by someone who didn’t even know they had encouraged you.

You can also encourage someone by praising them. Saying “Well done” or “good job” or “I’m proud of you.” Maybe it’s just a compliment. Sometimes all it takes is a smile!

Our words can also be hurtful, so it’s equally important that we are careful to not wound someone with our tongue.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits” (Proverbs 18:21).

Meeting together is not only necessary for discipleship, but so that we can meet each other’s needs, and encourage, inspire, pray for and lift one another up and to be refreshed, comforted, instructed, edified, and perfected; and that others may be convinced, converted, loved and brought to the knowledge and faith of Christ;

1-2 hours a week is absolutely doable. It’s absolutely beneficial because as we wait for our Saviors return we will face trials and hardships. It’s important because our faith and all we’ve learned is what we have to fall back on.

Meeting regularly with other believers is a source of Joy and Encouragement.

When iron sharpens iron, not only does it become sharper, it also causes sparks! Proverbs 27:17

God Bless you

Connie Keyohara


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