So Blessed, Many Opportunities to Spread the Good News


I was so blessed to deliver a message by long distance to the staff of WFRN Radio in Elkhart, Indiana last night at their Christmas party! I started my work in Christian radio there in October of 1986! I am still blessed to be a little part of the WFRN Ministry! Tonight I will be speaking to the staff of Indigo Mortgage in ABQ, I am finishing up my message, I also this morning finished up my sermon for Sunday at FBC in Reserve.I also sent the recording of House of Hope Radio to all the radio stations in Minnesota on Thursday for a Sunday morning release. This is not me but by God. All directed by Him and Him alone. I am blessed to be a servant. I am praying about a message in long form that I may post on the FGGAM.ORG website, I am praying to the Lord. Merry Christmas everyone! We love you all!

The wise men saw the star from thousands of miles away, but they had not met the one for whom it shown! But once they did….TRANSFORMATION!!!

The shepherds heard about Him in a BIG, EXCITING way! ….but they had not met Him yet!

They followed their hearts and when they met Jesus, they were changed!

Christmas is defined by one event only!

The birth of JESUS!

If you and I celebrate Christmas for what it is, it will make a difference!

If you truly celebrate the birth of Jesus, people won’t have to worry that you’re a different person at Christmas, because what they see at Christmas will be the same thing they see all year long!

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