A careful owner of a vineyard watches with great attention for signs of budding fruit. He has spent months tilling, fertilizing, pruning, watering, and testing. And now he is expecting his vines to bear big, luscious, prize-winning grapes. Don’t think the Almighty is any less meticulous.
He wants you to bear much fruit. He notices every time you sow seeds in the lives of others. He keeps tabs every time you water that seed with prayer. He records it in your balance sheet when He observes faith flowering and fruit ripening in the life of someone in whom you have invested for Jesus’ sake. If they are rewarded, you reap. If they are lifted up, you are raised with them. Be vigilant about people in your spheres of influence. You are sowing seeds; your prayers are having an impact; and the Lord of the vineyard is paying close attention.
Lord, I see so clearly today that my life in You is all about investing in others. If I lose my life for Your sake, I find it as never before! Please show me how to invest wisely, giving my words, my time, my specific prayers, my concern, my full attention, my practical help, my smiles of encouragement, and the love that is rooted in You.