Don’t Run On An Empty Tank… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Don’t Run On An Empty Tank…

Good morning beautiful people. Every morning before we start our day, we must spend time in prayer and worship with our Heavenly Father. He fills our lives with His power, His Word and His truth. Then whatever we face each and every day, we can face it head on, full of His power.

In life you are moving forward or backward, there is no coasting. With our journey with God, we must continually fill up in His presence and move forward, not looking back. Let’s declare in 2019 we will fill up every day and journey our lives led by the power of His Holy Spirit. Let’s Pray:


Father, thank you for filling us full to overflowing with the power of your Holy Spirit. Thank you for fresh fire and fresh anointing. Thank you for empowering us with your love so that we may empower others.

Father, today we set our face like flint and run the race confidently, knowing you will not let us fail. You are our God. (Isaiah 50:7)

Father, you said you left us the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, and He will teach us all things and will remind us of everything you have said to us. (John 14:26) Thank you for filling us with that Pentecostal power that we read about in the book of Acts. Amen!

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Keep yourself full of the Holy Spirit by spending time with Him today. Somebody shout power!

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