Hope for a Changing World


Photo taken our Dear Friend Janice Polk White


January 06, 2019

Hope for a Changing World

Romans 5:1-5

The rapid changes in our world can give us a sense of unease and uncertainty. We can be thrown off balance by the suffering we see around us, the evolving technology that outpaces our ability to absorb it, and the daily rise and fall of the financial markets. Sometimes what seems worthwhile to us today has less value tomorrow.

As problems mount, we can become discouraged and lose heart. But basing all our hope on man’s ability to solve problems or modify a situation is not the answer. We can achieve only temporary peace when we alter our own circumstances or adjust our outward behavior.

The root problem in our culture is spiritual—namely, man has a sin nature that is at enmity with God. Sin prompts us to look out for ourselves and pursue what we want. Neither our intellect nor talent could have changed our sinful state or brought us peace with God. However, those who trust Jesus as Savior receive a new nature and are reconciled to the Lord. As His adopted children, we not only are at peace with Him but also have been given the power to live in harmony with one another.

No matter how much life changes, we can have hope, for we are anchored to a firm foundation that will never be shaken (Isa. 28:16).

Remember, the believer’s hope rests in the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Our heavenly Father knows each of us by name (Isa. 43:1). Our Savior keeps every divine promise (2 Corinthians 1:20). And the Holy Spirit assures us that we are secure in Christ, both in this life and the one to come.

Bible in One Year: Genesis 20-23

2019 Bundle Calendars

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