In Memory of Pastor Barry Dickens, He Gave so Much of Himself….


In memory of Pastor Barry Dickens. Barry was 62, he fought Alzheimer’s for several years. He gave much to many! He helped me become a Pastor! A Memorial Service for Barry was held yesterday. A wonderful celebration of his life! He married me and Sharon at the Los Alamos, NM Methodist Church. I learned so much from him! I carry much wisdom from Barry! Thank You Lord! Please pray for his wife Susan and the entire family, Thank you! Barry is my hero of faith!!

I am very much challenged by the life of Barry to serve more and more. What are you and I doing today for God?

I cannot even imagine how many Pastors, Missionaries, Sunday School Teachers, Church leaders, Community leaders, School Teachers, and on and on that Pastor Barry helped raise up over the years!!! He always put others first before himself….the only glory he was seeking was Heaven and that is where he resides now with our Almighty God.

Here is my post on Dec. 30th, 2018…….Barry passed away to Heaven on Christmas morning…….


Pastor Barry Dickens of Albuquerque, New Mexico passed away Christmas Day following a lengthy battle with Alzheimer’s disease. He was 62. I texted Barry’s wife Susan on Christmas morning to wish them all a Merry Christmas and to see how Barry was doing, and Susan replied that Barry had passed away into the arms of Jesus at 9:03am.

I’m posting the last picture I have of me and Barry together. Barry and I are the same age. Barry married me and Sharon! He also helped me from the start in becoming a Pastor. I spent time with Barry in his office with Sharon during premarital counseling and also times when Barry would share on what it means to be a Pastor. His impact on me and Sharon has been so very HUGE! Maybe the biggest thing Barry taught us was to love and accept all.

Barry’s premarital counseling was so very in depth. He had me and Sharon go through our entire lives, family history and all sorts of information, for a 3 month period. He told us at the start, “After we complete this premarital counseling, I may not marry you, but that doesn’t mean someone else can’t marry you.” WOW! POWERFUL! That was a huge statement to make to us, only if more Pastors would do that. It really gets your attention! I have taken what Barry taught me on premarital counseling and use it, not only in my own marriage but in the counseling I do.

Another point Barry drove home to me was do not listen to the “nothing noise”. He preached on that one Sunday and it has stuck with me since. This was when I was managing KKIM Christian Radio in Albuquerque, New Mexico, before I became a Pastor. Nothing noise is a huge, huge problem in the world we live in, it is spewing forth in many ways, stuff that is not the truth, lies, hate, etc… Since then I have preached on the only truth, the truth of Jesus Christ and I have loved more than ever and my passion for presenting God’s truth, His Word and Ways His Love runs very, very deep into me. It is my life, my calling. Pastor Barry helped so much in igniting that passion.

His love of God and his love of people led Barry to be called to the ministry. After he graduated with his Masters of Divinity from Asbury Seminary in 1983, he served multiple United Methodist Churches in the New Mexico Annual Conference – Cedar Crest, Santa Fe, Tucumcari, Carlsbad, & Los Alamos. Barry then served 6 years as the District Superintendent of the Clovis District, being the “pastor’s pastor” for 52 churches and their clergy. He took disability from the Conference in 2012 and moved back to Albuquerque with his wife.  Pastor Barry Dickens Obituary

May we all have the impact here on earth as Barry did for our Lord Jesus Christ. May we all love more and accept all. Barry has impacted me and Sharon so very much, we carry what he taught us this day and all days.

I respectfully challenge you, like Pastor Barry challenged me and Sharon…What are you doing to impact the Kingdom of God?

9 Things I Learned Again in 2018

This article was sent to us by our Dear, Dear friend Kathy Merlock. Her hubby Norm was a great man of God. Kathy, like many others is going through the grieving process, it is like a roller coaster. Norm taught me much, he helped make me a better man of God. I was so very honored when Kathy asked me to preside at Norm’s Memorial Service. I took grieving classes after my Mom, Ruth passed away in January of 1995. My Dad, Wally had passed on to heaven in April of 1993, Easter morning. So very close together, both passed away at age 64. Our Dear, Dear friend Pam Singleton of Reserve, New Mexico is grieving the loss of her hubby James.

I have learned much in 2018, the Lord had me preside over many funerals this year, the most  in my 9 years as a preacher. My heart is softer. My love is greater. I love my Sharon more than ever, as I do the kids and grand babies.

I still grieve the loss of my Mom and Dad even thou it has been years and years! It is less every year, but the wonderful thing is, that love, that true deep, deep love never goes away and all the wonderful memories stay with us. Sharon and I are grieving as we go into 2019. The Pastor who married me and Sharon, Barry Dickens passed away on Christmas morning of Alzheimer’s. Barry was just 62. He helped raise me up as a Pastor. Such a dear man of God. Barry, like Norm, poured Godly wisdom over me! Barry’s wife Susan and Sharon worked together at the Los Alamos, New Mexico Hospital.

This article on grieving by Gary Roe will be a blessing to you! 9 Things I Learned Again in 2018

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