Can this be? I am stunned by the thoughts and plans of many! New Mexico Government Operated Pot Stores? ABQ Journal Report

So many in New Mexico think they are above GOD! Satan sure has found a playground at the Roundhouse, he has many playmates. The government wants to run pot stores and harm the health of people? Playing with Satan never ends well. Pot heads driving in New Mexico killing innocent people like drunk drivers already do, just what Law Enforcement needs! Right? Pot heads and drunk drivers! Like our Law Enforcement Officers are not already swamped with calls???!!!

Past Posts:

I am so very sad about this……New Mexico has become a very sad place. It is a place where all sorts of unGodly legislation is moving toward the Governors desk to be signed, and she will sign it if it gets to her, because she supports abortion up-to-birth, legalized pot, assisted suicide and higher taxes, despite two years of billion dollar surpluses.

By the way I spell unGodly with a capital G because I cannot spell GOD without a capital G! Because HE is GOD. I really want to point out all this is not of GOD! All this chaos in New Mexico and America is not of GOD, it is of man. You see so many in New Mexico and America think they are bigger than GOD! They feel they can set standards, but GOD is the standard, He sets all standards, they are in the GOOD BOOK, the BIBLE. New Mexico is on a path to hell, and so many do not see it, they are blinded.

The Scriptures call the mind of the natural man “blinded” 2 Cor. 4:4, “depraved” Romans 1:28, “corrupt” 1 Tim. 6:5, and “unspiritual” Col. 2:18. The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-debased viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh directs its thoughts. The sinful mind is under the control of Satan.

How can we the people of New Mexico face higher taxes when there is such a surplus of money and we do not have an increase in our income?

All this makes it tougher for me as I travel to preach in rural New Mexico with car expenses. Ministry expenses do not decrease. More importantly it makes it TOUGHER on so many people! The Dems tax anything that moves. By the way, I am not tied to any political party, I am a registered Independent. Look at our nation, bother parties are dysfunctional. I vote for the person.

ABQ Journal Editorial

Past Posts:

Pastor Dewey note: Lean into God is the answer. The Natural Food store I go to can hardly keep anxiety remedies in stock. Doctors tell me that so many of their patients are stressed out on life, it is causing so many health problems. This is a great post on this problem…….This political climate we live in is one of the main reasons, I talk to people who tell me they are scared about what is happening to America. We counsel people here at FGGAM, we help them as much as we can and try to get them medical help and Biblical counseling plus get them connected with a Pastor and Church. So many folks are not connected to a Pastor and Church.

Opinion: The three words we all need to hear
Fox News

Americans are becoming increasingly anxious, depressed, and stressed out with life, and it is wreaking havoc on their physical and mental health, leading to one significant outcome: giving up. Read the full story


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March 10, 2019

Contentment in Every Circumstance

Philippians 4:10-13

Many people think contentment is elusive, because happiness and peace never last. But is that really the reason? It’s common to associate a state of satisfaction with a positive situation, but Paul challenges this idea when he says, “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am” (Phil. 4:11).

Contentment isn’t something that comes naturally; it is learned. And what kind of classroom do you think God uses? It’s not in the midst of comfort and ease that we sense gratification most profoundly, but in situations that cause us to be troubled, fearful, and anxious. Paul had plenty of opportunities for these lessons because his life was a series of hardships (2 Corinthians 11:23-33). And in his letters, he passes down what he’s learned about contentment.

Focus on Christ rather than your circumstances. Paul had every reason to complain, because he was wrongfully imprisoned. Yet in his letter to the Philippians, he didn’t blame anyone or grumble. Instead, he kept rejoicing in Christ because that’s where his focus, affections, and devotion lay.

Focus on what God is doing through the situation. Paul saw how the Lord used his imprisonment for the greater progress of the gospel (Phil. 1:12).

Focus on the omnipotence and goodness of the Lord. The apostle was confident that his circumstances were under the sovereign control of God—the One who causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28).

In essence, we could say that Paul evaluated his circumstances through a God-centered lens. The result was joy and contentment in every situation.

Bible in One Year: Joshua 16-19

LP Journal - Evergreen


In Touch Ministries · P.O. Box 7900 · Atlanta, GA 30357-0900 · USA

I have come today to comfort the inflicted and inflict the comfortable.

I am not happy at all with the direction of New Mexico.  I am really sick and tired of this Legislative session that just seems to promote unGodly legislation everyday! Where are the morals?  ANSWER: In the sewer! The wrath of God is upon us, but then many do not beleive in God and cannot see what is happening from a Biblical stand point. New Mexico has become an anti-life state, that is what the majority of people voted for in the last election. There are so many Christians in this state fighting for God, standing in ther gap for God, facing this evil work by these politicians and lobbyists. Praise the Lord for those Christians, only if more Pastors would speak up.

New Mexico is sure out of whack with God’s Standards. The outlook for the state is not good. Pray for a miracle, pray for a change of hearts! Radical Abortions, the killing of God’s Babies and Pot Heads! Drunk driving deaths…Pot Heads Driving? Somehow so many in New Mexico think they are above GOD and that they should set the standards, only GOD does, not man.

It breaks my heart I am weeping that people would even think that they are above GOD!

New Mexico continues in the wrong direction. So many are blinded.

Praying for a miracle we are!

New Mexico is facing the wrath of God.

We are praying for a miracle for New Mexico and that many will come to God!

Romans 1:18

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.

How does this post comfort the inflicted? That comes from knowing God’s Word and His promises…….

Jeremiah 9:23-24 E

Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.”

Philippians 3:10

That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,

John 17:3

And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.

Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

New Mexico House Votes to legalize Pot:

New Mexico continues to go to POT! In more ways than one…..These folks in Santa Fe really love their tax money….taxing anything that moves whether it’s legal or not.

The New Mexico House chooses money and pot over the good health of people. They want the tax money from pot sales. They also voted for abortion over life. How awful is this!!! The killing of God’s babies! Now Pot heads! We already have a severe drunk driving problem that kills innocent people and now we will have pot heads driving and killing innocent people???!!! I am still heart sick with the House passing the abortion up-to-birth bill. How do these people sleep at night?

I am just sick with the news that this bill is moving forward! ABQ JOURNAL REPORT

Opinion: Pot and teens – I’m a mom and a doctor, here’s what I tell my own teenagers
Fox News

There’s been an alarming rise in teenage marijuana use across the U.S. and it’s now at its highest level in 30 years. One reason may be that 10 states and the District of Columbia now allow recreational use of pot by adults, while 33 states have legalized medical marijuana. Read the full story

Here is a post of mine from Feb. of 2019………..

Biblical principles continue to erode in New Mexico…I am heart sick how New Mexico continues to defy God. New Mexico, as is the entire United States, are paying the price for defying the ways of God, the wrath of God. Many do not see it this way because they are not Biblically based, they are blind to the ways of God.

The Scriptures call the mind of the natural man “blinded” 2 Cor. 4:4, “depraved” Romans 1:28, “corrupt” 1 Tim. 6:5, and “unspiritual” Col. 2:18. The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-debased viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh directs its thoughts. The sinful mind is under the control of Satan.

Here is the latest on legalizing pot in New Mexico: ABQ Journal Report

Past Posts:

I have written for years on this subject….the attempt to legalize recreational marijuana is still the wish of some here in New Mexico. I am for medical use of marijuana, but not the recreational use. Denver and the whole state of Colorado is paying a huge price for their decision to legalize recreational marijuana. Read this KOB TV Report

New Mexico has so many awful problems now, child abuse, murder of children, drug abuse, drunk driving, murder, crime, homelessness, corruption…..etc… legalizing the recreational use of marijuana is like pouring gas on a wildfire…..

Here is a post from April 21st of this year……..

I pray that our elected officials in New Mexico pay attention to this and all other states that are thinking of legalizing marijuana. Here in New Mexico Many politicians have pushed this idea in a movement to create cash flow for the state, just as they did to legalize casinos. Casinos and gambling have created so many addictions and financial problems for people, our former Secretary of State, being one of them.

Colorado governor won’t rule out banning marijuana again. Here’s why

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper has two facts in front of him: Since 2014 crime has been rising in his state, outstripping the national trend, and since 2014 recreational use of marijuana has been legal. Read the full story


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Opinion: Pot is dangerous, not funny — a doctor tells us why
Fox News

No matter how much fun using marijuana looks like on TV or how many people tell you it’s harmless, remember one thing: unless you have certain medical conditions where the drug may be beneficial, you are better off without it. Read the full story

From Billy Graham:


If something is legal, then that ought to make it OK in the eyes of God, shouldn’t it? It looks like our state is going to legalize marijuana next year, so what’s wrong with enjoying it once in a while, even now?


If something is illegal (which marijuana still is in your state), then it certainly wouldn’t be God’s will for you to break the law, and I sincerely hope you won’t.

But even if it does become legal where you live (as it already has in some states), I strongly urge you not to use that as an excuse to come under the influence of this or any other drug, including alcohol. God gave our minds to us (as well as our bodies and souls), and it is never His will for us to abuse them or allow them to be controlled by anything that alters our judgment or places us (and others) in danger. The Bible bluntly says, “Do not get drunk…. Instead, be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18).

The real question, however, is this: What place does God have in your life? Are you honestly seeking His will, no matter what it is — or are you simply seeking His approval for what you already want to do? Be honest with yourself, but most of all, be honest before God. He made you, and life’s greatest joy comes from knowing Him and discovering His will for your life.

Only Christ can truly give you the lasting, inner peace you seek — and that’s why I urge you to turn to Him and ask Him to come into your life. Don’t be deceived by the false promise of drugs. Jesus’ promise is true: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you” (John 14:27).

We have two updates on abortion in New Mexico from our Dear Friends Ethel and Elisa…

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Hello Everyone,
Tina Atkins, mother of Keisha Atkins who died as a result of a late term abortion was allowed to speak in favor of HB 600 despite the fact that this bill had been heard. This bill would have banned abortion past 5 months. It would have allowed parents to be notified of their minor child’s abortion. After more than an hour of debate with compelling testimony from Representative Rod Montoya, Dr. Maryrose Turner, and Elisa Martinez, the committee tabled the bill with a vote of 3-2. Representatives Angelica Rubio, Andrea Romero and Elizabeth Thomson voted to table, and Representatives Gregg Schmedes, and Candy Ezzell voted against the motion to table.
Next HB 608 was heard and we did have the opportunity to testify. This bill would have provided “conscience protection for our doctors who do not want to perform abortions. On Saturday Dr. Moore stated that 89 percent of  OBGYN doctors in this state do not want to perform abortions, and if they are forced to do so they will be force to move from New Mexico. This will further add to our doctor shortage. This information didn’t seem to phase them. The silver lining of this hearing is that those in opposition tipped their hand and said in essence: The intent to remove conscience protections is to force doctors in rural communities to perform abortions. This bill too was tabled.
Although it was another defeat we continue to press on. These were preemptive measures in the event HB 51 was to pass, and thank God it is still not in the judiciary, so there is still hope. Continue calling your Senators. The Governor is exerting extreme pressure on them to vote for this bill. We too have the ability to exert pressure. Keep it up.
Thank you so much for all you do for the cause for life.
God bless you,
Ethel Maharg
Executive Director
2413 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Suite A
Albuquerque, NM 87112-1164
Phone: 505-881-4563
Like us on Facebook
RTLCNM, 2413 Wyoming Blvd NE, Ste A, Albuquerque, NM, NM 87112
Dear Dewey,
On Tuesday night, the House Public Affairs Committee moved to table HB-600, the Keisha Atkins Women’s Protection Act, and HB-608, protecting doctors from being forced to perform abortions. Keisha’s mother, Tina testified for the bill which bears her daughter’s namesake, pleading with the committee to help “end late-term abortion in New Mexico-once and for all”
Despite Tina’s heart-wrenching testimony, Representatives Liz Thompson (D-24), Andrea Romero (D-46), and Angelica Rubio(D-35) voted to table both bills, making that the third time they voted to continue abortion up to birth and infanticide. A big thank you to Dr. and Representative Gregg Schmedes and Representative Candy Ezzell for standing with doctors, women, and children, and voted against tabling the life-affirming bills.
The common-sense HB-600 & HB-608 addressed the concerns most New Mexicans have about late-term abortion, parental involvement in a minor’s abortion and conscience protections for medical professionals.
HB 608 (an abortion-specific conscience protection) co-sponsor, Roswell, NM attorney, and Representative, Cathrynn Brown, “No doctor or medical professional should be coerced into taking a human life, that is what an abortion does. If we do not provide what HB 608 attempts to do, we are going to have a lot of lawsuits and physicians leave the state because doctors do not want to be forced to do what they find morally repugnant.”
During testimony for both bills, Rep. Candy Ezell stated, “abortion is NOT health care for the babies.”
Rep. Rod Montoya read a current UNM abortion policy that states, in abortions after 22 weeks “the intended abortus may be born with signs of life,” but gives no indication of how the infant is cared for. He also read from the policy: “fetal demise can take up to 24 hours.” The bill would also reduce the number of women who are injured or die from elective abortion after five months, like Keisha Atkins.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: Contact Every Member of the Senate and Tell them to Oppose Abortion Up-To-Birth HB-51 and Assisted Suicide Bill SB-153/HB-90
Show up to testify in the Senate Judiciary Committee against the radical HB-51
Senate Judiciary Committee Members’ Contact Info Below:
Thank you for helping us end dangerous late-term abortion and infanticide in New Mexico!
Your Friend in LIFE,
Elisa Martinez
Founder and Executive Director
New Mexico Alliance for Life
Help us FIGHT BACK! You can also donate to New Mexico Alliance for Life here, by making a secure online donation. Your support helps us continue to travel to Santa Fe and expose the extreme abortion lobby in our state. Your help is needed now more than ever. You may also mail your donation to 1208 San Pedro Dr NE, #122 Albuquerque, NM 87110. New Mexico Alliance for Life is a 501c4 non-profit organization, donations are not tax deductible. Thank you for your support!
The New Mexico Alliance for Life is a nonpartisan organization focused on changing state and local laws by empowering women with better and informed choices when facing unplanned or difficult pregnancies and advocating for better protections for women and unborn children from an unsafe abortion industry. For more information visit
NM Alliance for Life | NM Alliance for LifeAlbuquerque, NM 87110

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