Hello Everyone,
We are down the home stretch with five and a half days left to go and oh what a ride it has been. Neither HB 51 or HB 90 have resurfaced but we are on high alert just in case there is an attempt to bring them up to the Judiciary.
We will be having a final Pro-Life Rally for this legislative session on Wednesday. Please make plans to attend It will be at the Rotunda from 12 noon -2:00 pm. Many of your children are on spring break so it provides the perfect opportunity for them to see what it is to engage in the cause for life. As always don’t come alone. Fill your cars, vans, buses and the train. Let’s make our presence felt in Santa Fe.
You all have been amazing. You have come, stood in long lines and shown up in mass. I can’t thank you enough for your efforts. Let’s do it again Wednesday.
Thank you so much for all you do for the cause for life.
God bless you,
Ethel Maharg
Executive Director
2413 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Suite A
Albuquerque, NM 87112-1164
Phone: 505-881-4563