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Let Us All Stand in The Gap for God! Pray For The Defeat of New Mexico HB-51

“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.” Ezekiel 22:3
I had the blessing of talking with Ethel Maharg today. Ethel is the Executive Director of Right to Life Committee of New Mexico. Here is some  very important information from Ethel and Elisa Martinez of New Mexico Alliance for Life. I just love how the Christians in New mexico are working together to defeat the horrific, ‘Hitler-Like’ HB-51 Abortion Up-to-Birth bill.
Ethel Maharg

Yesterday(Saturday) we stood in line for hours in hopes of being able to testify in opposition to HB 51 we were granted an entire 15 minutes. After there was a discussion among the committee and one of the most egregious statements Senator Ortiz Y Pino could have made was that abortion was, in essence, the same as having a miscarriage. It was a stupid and heartless statement to make. I have been with women who have had miscarriages and they are devastated and heartbroken at the loss of their baby, not to mention it was not their intent for their baby to die. It was sickening to hear his comments. Out you go Mr. Otiz Y Pino.

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Hello Everyone,
Once again we gathered in mass in hopes of testifying in opposition to this horrible bill HB 51. People traveled throughout the state, waited in line for hours and then we were given a whole 15 minutes to speak. I do believe they don’t want to hear what we have to say.  We all gasped as Senator Ortiz Y Pino made a heartless comment comparing abortion to miscarriage. They then threatened to vacate the room if we weren’t quite.
Once again the bill advanced due to a party-line vote of 5-2 with Senators Candace Gould and Stuart Ingle voting against, but not before Senator Gould forced the ACLU representative to answer the question about conscience protection. Doctors will have no protection. The Senators who voted for the bill are Democrats Sen. Jerry Ortiz Y Pino, Sen. Liz Stefanics, Sen. Jeff Steinborn, Sen. Antoinette Sedillo Lopez.
The pro-abortion group was clad in their t-shirts that say “Abortion is Healthcare” on the front and “Healthcare isn’t a crime” on the back. I was made aware that they made their way up to the Governor’s office (which by the way was dark earlier as we were up there) to present her 10,000 signatures in favor of the bill. In an Op-ed today she stated that she is going to sign this bill. All I have to say is the fat lady hasn’t sung yet Governor, and we’re not ready to give up.
The bill is set to go to the Judiciary committee next so we have to do everything we can to stand in the way. The chairman of this committee is Senator Richard Martinez. Make his phone ring. We have fought valiantly but have 12 days left so we need to make them count. As disheartening as this has all been, now is not the time to quit. We have to dig deep and keep on going.
I appreciate you all. Your words of encouragement have been like gold to me. Thank you so much for all you do for the cause for life.
God bless you,
Ethel Maharg
Executive Director
2413 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Suite A
Albuquerque, NM 87112-1164
Phone: 505-881-4563
RTLCNM, 2413 Wyoming Blvd NE, Ste A, Albuquerque, NM, NM 87112

FGGAM NEWS Just received this news release from New Mexico Alliance for Life and Elisa Martinez. Thank you Elisa!

March 4, 2019
For Immediate Release

Elisa Martinez

Catholic State Legislators Advance Most Extreme Abortion Up-To-Birth Bill in Nation
HB 51 Passes NM Senate Public Affairs Committee on Party-Line Vote, 4-2
Albuquerque, NM–Late Saturday afternoon, the New Mexico Senate Public Affairs Committee passed the “most extreme abortion bill in the nation,” HB 51
on a party-line vote of 4-2. Pro-life Republican, Sen. Craig Brandt was excused and did not cast a vote. Two of the four Democrat Senators who voted for the radical bill, Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino (D-12) and Sen. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez (D-16) invoked their “Catholic faith” as a reason for supporting the abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bill, that also strips the only abortion-specific conscience protection, (NMSA 30-5-2) from state law.
“I am a practicing Catholic,” stated Sen. Ortiz y Pino.  “It is my position that a woman has a right to her own choice.  It’s between her and God and her conscience.”  Ortiz y Pino made similar statements about his Catholic faith, before voting against a ban on elective abortion after 5 months in previous years’ committee hearings.
Yesterday, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, who also claims to be a Catholic, penned an op-ed in the Albuquerque Journal criticizing the majority of New Mexicans (70%) who oppose the radical aspects of the measure, including abortion up-to-birth for any reason.
“Opponents have expressed fear that, somehow, this legislation would facilitate murder,” said Lujan-Grisham. “Elected officials have no business making a woman’s choices for her. Neither do faraway federal judges who have, in some cases, made a career out of antagonizing marginalized groups, not the least of all women.”
“If the Governor is so concerned with legislative overreach, why is she supporting a bill the majority of New Mexicans oppose, that would remove parental involvement in a minor’s abortion, force medical professionals to participate in abortions, and continue the practice of unregulated, forced taxpayer funding of abortion up-to-birth for any reason,” said Elisa Martinez, New Mexico Alliance for Life Executive Director.

Dr. William Moore, a practicing OB-GYN from Clovis, NM expressed concerns on behalf of physicians across the state, ” HB-51 would have a devastating impact on rural New Mexico. In my practice, many doctors have promised they will leave New Mexico if forced or coerced to perform abortions, we are the only women’s health care practice in 100 mile radius around Clovis– and the only ones delivering babies there.”

HB-51 passed the Senate Public Affairs Committee on Saturday on a party-line vote of 4-2, with only 15 minutes of public testimony allowed on both sides, despite nearly a hundred indivduals who traveled to Santa Fe to testify in opposition. The radical bill advances to the Senate Judiciary Committee, where it awaits a scheduled hearing before a Democrat majority.
New Mexico Alliance for Life is “encouraged by the overwhelming public outcry against HB-51, and will continue to fight tirelessly to secure the safety of every woman, child, and doctor from further harm from the dangerous abortion industry,” said Martinez. “We know the majority of New Mexicans are horrified at this radical mesaure, and our elected officials can no longer turn a blind eye to these concerns.”
In January 2019 alone, New Mexico Alliance for Life has confirmed 2 medical emergencies at the late-term abortion clinic, Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque, for a total of 19 since 2014, including the death of Keisha Atkins and her 6 month old baby. Atkins died from a massive infection she contracted under the care of the clinic’s abortionists, the source of the deadly infection has never been investigated nor identified by NM state officials.
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The New Mexico Alliance for Life is a nonpartisan organization focused on changing state and local laws by empowering women with better and informed choices when facing unplanned or difficult pregnancies and advocating for better protections for women and unborn children from an unsafe abortion industry. For more information visit


NM Alliance for Life, NMAFL, Albuquerque, NM 87110
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