Good morning! Welcome to House of Hope Radio! Sharon and I have been praying for you all during the ice storm and power outages! We pray by now the power is back on for you all!
Here at FGGAM one of the missions that the Lord has given us is to fulfill the Great Commission.
As the Church goes, the Country goes…….
Jesus is clearly popular in our culture. Barna research reports that 73 percent of Americans identify as Christians. According to Gallup, that’s far higher than the percentage of Americans who identify as Republicans (26 percent) or Democrats (30 percent). Census data shows that Christians outnumber any racial demographic in our country.
However, while nearly three in four Americans say they are Christians, Barna reports that only 55 percent attended a church service in the last six months. Other studies show that only 23 to 25 percent of us attend three Sundays out of eight.
I want to point out that Abby Johnson, formerly of Planned Parenthood, was won over to Jesus by the love of Jesus, not protests and hate, Read more about the Abby Johnson story and the movie based on her conversion.
Human history shows that the natural mind becomes progressively self-destructive if left to its own desires. People who are directed by their natural minds walk in darkness and have incorrect thinking. Please read Eph. 4:17,18
Why is the World full of evil?
“So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts” Eph 4: 17, 18.
The Scriptures call the mind of the natural man “blinded” 2 Cor. 4:4, “depraved” Romans 1:28, “corrupt” 1 Tim. 6:5, and “unspiritual” Col. 2:18. The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-debased viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh directs its thoughts. The sinful mind is under the control of Satan and can never please God because it concentrates on things of the world and not things of the Spirit. The natural mind walks the road of hopelessness and self-destruction.
We the Church, must carry out the Great Commission
Pastor Don Kimbro posted this yesterday……..

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. – Matthew 28:19-20
This passage of scripture, known as the “Great Commission” is how the church has long identified one of Jesus’ closing instructions to his disciples prior to His ascension into heaven.
However, the Barna Research Group recently conducted a study of the U.S. church’s ideas about missions, social justice, Bible translation and other aspects of spreading the gospel around the world and found that when asked if they had previously heard of the “Great Commission,” half of U.S. churchgoers (51 percent) said they did not know the term.
One in four (25 percent), said they had heard the term but weren’t sure what it meant. Sadly, just 17 percent said they knew that the “Great Commission” is Jesus assigning his followers to spread the Gospel. Six percent of churchgoers said they weren’t sure whether they had heard the term before.*
The “Great Commission” spells out one of the central purposes for all believers (see also Mark 16:15-18; Luke 24:44-49; John 20:19-23; Acts 1:8).
After salvation, our lives belong to Jesus Christ who died to purchase our freedom from sin and death (1 Corinthians 6:20; Galatians 3:13; Revelation 5:9). He redeemed us so that we might be used to bring others into His Kingdom, as well. The “Great Commission” is the final instruction of the resurrected Jesus Christ to His disciples to spread His teachings to all the nations of the world.
So, how are we doing church? In some quarters, apparently not very well. Please let that not be said of you and me. Maranatha!
Today is Palm Sunday! Next Sunday is Easter or Resurrection Sunday as many call it.
This morning i want to talk to you about Doubting Thomas are you a doubting Thomas?
We see in John 20:24-29 Some people has doubts that Jesus had risen from the death. Now listen to my podcast please.