Happy Resurrection Sunday!!! Welcome to the House of Hope radio program!!!
I met Chuck Colson years ago when he spoke in Albuquerque. I loved hearing him nightly on KKIM on his radio program BREAKPOINT!
I love this quote from Chuck Colson:
“I know the resurrection is a fact, and Watergate proved it to me. How? Because 12 men testified they had seen Jesus raised from the dead, then they proclaimed that truth for 40 years, never once denying it. Every one was beaten, tortured, stoned and put in prison. They would not have endured that if it weren’t true. Watergate embroiled 12 of the most powerful men in the world-and they couldn’t keep a lie for three weeks. You’re telling me 12 apostles could keep a lie for 40 years? Absolutely impossible.”
Please now listen to my message for you!